Thursday, March 23, 2017

4-6-99 2:26 PM Tu
I'm at school.  It's almost time to go home.  It has been raining all day.  I'll have to walk home under my umbrella. 
4-7-99 1:03 PM W
Class again.  There was a thunderstorm this morning, but it has stopped raining now.  I got some Taco Bell for lunch.  Took it to the teacher's lounge.  Loren said, "Congratulations!"  Ugh.  She had to have meant my engagement.  I feigned ignorance.  "When are you getting married?"  I was the lone male in a room full of women, all of whom were now frothing at the mouth.  "I don't know," I said. ~~~"I'm being evicted this month, and she's all over it, so I guess we'll be living together next month.  That to me is the more pressing development, more so than this whole marriage business."
"Well, how do you feel about getting married?" someone asked.  Someone else said, "Don't ask a man how he feels."  I said I had mixed feelings.  I said it seemed to me you should stay together because you want to, not because you're holding a gun against your head.  I said, "Marriage seems like a jinx to me, if that doesn't sound too stupid."  Loren seemed disappointed.  Whatever.  There's a stupidity epidemic going on.  That's probably just my ego.  Whatever.  What else?  I read the paper.  I have to do a third-person page when I get home.  I can read some more Player Piano on my walk tonight to school.  I haven't had a smoke since Friday.  I have a video at home to watch called "Addicted to Love."  I gave Anne a National Geographic with a story about the Penine Way in England where she was last week.  She said "Penine" leeringly suggesting its proximity to "penis."  Leisel Boaz gave me a card with here number on it, said she "needed a man," asked me to set her up.  I said she didn't want to go out with any of my friends.  She stared at me.  It was clear that I am the one who should call.   She said I shouldn't be so sure I didn't know anyone.  I should have described the GIP.  There's the bell.  I can go now.  Children flood the playground.  The leaves are coming in on the trees that were so skeletal a week ago.  I feel like drinking a case of Lucky Lager so I can solve the puzzles.  Cleanliness is godliness and godliness is loneliness and God is empty just like me.

Monday, March 20, 2017

9:50 AM April 5
I'm at school.  Ugh.  The sub left a note that I have a "delightful" class.  Huh.  It took forever for me to get out of bed this morning.  I had no time to type.  Shirelle dropped me off so I wouldn't be late.  I ended up caving into guilt and some bullshit sense of responsibility and sold my Dodger ticket.  The game will be on TV, so I can watch it still.  Miss Senoritavilla talked to me a little this morning about her trip to England.    Sigh.    Shit or get off the pot.  I guess I'm going to shit.    Sigh.    It sure has taken me a lot longer than usual to fill this book.     At lunch, I'll drop off these movies.  What else? Back to night school tonight.  Ugh.  I really need an overhead projector.  I wish I could quit that freaking job.  I've got to get a haircut soon.  When is that fugging Bahamas info going to come?  What else?  It's sunny but chilly today.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Shawn bought a newspaper I can read.  We've got a math test to correct.  There's the bell.

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Su 7:28 PM 4-4-99
What did I do yesterday that I didn't write here?  Went with Shirelle to see the sci-fi movie "The Matrix" at the Chinese.  We stopped at Hamburger Hamlet first.  After, I stayed home and switched between the Dodgers/Yankees and Lakers/Warriors games.  Dodgers won.  Lakers suck.  After that, I went to bed.  Shirelle has brought her stuff over, so there's a TV in my room now.  We watched the video "White Squall" about kids at sea.  I read some more Player Piano, a chapter about the Shah visiting the EPICAC XIV, the huge computer that runs the country from inside Carlsbad Caverns.  Player Piano and "The Matrix" have similar themes about the human toll of artificial intelligence.  We went to Dodger Stadium today.  First, I drove down to Bikeology on Pico to get a new tire for my bike.  I'll have to put that on tonight.  After the bike shop, we drove to Phillipe's by Chinatown on Alameda and got sandwiches.  A ruckus broke out when a bum pulled a screwdriver on a guy. We went up to the ballpark and watched the Yankees take batting practice.  A little museum there now details artifacts and media from Dodger history.  The Dodgers won.  Karros hit a three-run homer in the first.  I'm home now.  Read the paper.  The season has opened.  The Rockies are bitchslapping San Diego in Monterrey, Mexico.  Shirelle went grocery shopping.  I've got seven chapters of Matthew to read tonight.  I should write to my grandma and stepmother.  I guess I'm going to have to let them know that I'll be living with Shirelle.  What else?  Should try to work on Jim.  Maybe I'll just rent some movies, though.  I could just return the ones I have at lunch tomorrow.  I've seen a lot of movies lately.  I should really write.  Shirelle's home now.  I'm going to have to help bring up groceries.