Thursday, March 09, 2017

Su 7:28 PM 4-4-99
What did I do yesterday that I didn't write here?  Went with Shirelle to see the sci-fi movie "The Matrix" at the Chinese.  We stopped at Hamburger Hamlet first.  After, I stayed home and switched between the Dodgers/Yankees and Lakers/Warriors games.  Dodgers won.  Lakers suck.  After that, I went to bed.  Shirelle has brought her stuff over, so there's a TV in my room now.  We watched the video "White Squall" about kids at sea.  I read some more Player Piano, a chapter about the Shah visiting the EPICAC XIV, the huge computer that runs the country from inside Carlsbad Caverns.  Player Piano and "The Matrix" have similar themes about the human toll of artificial intelligence.  We went to Dodger Stadium today.  First, I drove down to Bikeology on Pico to get a new tire for my bike.  I'll have to put that on tonight.  After the bike shop, we drove to Phillipe's by Chinatown on Alameda and got sandwiches.  A ruckus broke out when a bum pulled a screwdriver on a guy. We went up to the ballpark and watched the Yankees take batting practice.  A little museum there now details artifacts and media from Dodger history.  The Dodgers won.  Karros hit a three-run homer in the first.  I'm home now.  Read the paper.  The season has opened.  The Rockies are bitchslapping San Diego in Monterrey, Mexico.  Shirelle went grocery shopping.  I've got seven chapters of Matthew to read tonight.  I should write to my grandma and stepmother.  I guess I'm going to have to let them know that I'll be living with Shirelle.  What else?  Should try to work on Jim.  Maybe I'll just rent some movies, though.  I could just return the ones I have at lunch tomorrow.  I've seen a lot of movies lately.  I should really write.  Shirelle's home now.  I'm going to have to help bring up groceries. 


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