Friday, March 14, 2014

W 5-13-98 6:40 PM
From room 33, ESL1A, Pio Pico Elementary school.  Went out to the Lava Lounge last night.  Didn't talk to anyone.  Ate a ham and cheese croissant today and a meatball sandwich and a hard old bagel that I softened in the microwave and put cream cheese and jelly on, and three slices of toast and margerine with peanut butter.   Modchill stopped by with what he called Le Pew.  I took my tax refund up to the credit union.  What else?  I read some of the paper today.  I proably ought to iron my clothes and go to bed at a sensible hour tonight.  What else?
5-17-98 Su 4:30 PM
From the Getty.  Been walking around with Mike and Kendoll and Florelle.  I can barely keep my cynical-bastard attitude under control.  I peeled off.  I'm by myself now.  We're supposed to meet up front.  Here comes Shirley Feldman.  She was telling a catshit story in the car on the way here.  I didn't know why.  She told it completely humorlessly.  I don't want to go into it.  It was a pointless revelation of her scatological mentality.  I did think it was funny as we drove west down Wilshire that a statue of all-American-values icon John Wayne stands in front of sleaze-meister Larry Flynt's offices.  What shall I do about supper tonight?  Wonder when I'm gonna fall for somebody new and vice versa.  I got Sinatra tunes trotting through my ears.  The girls from Philly took pictures with us.  We said we were going to exchange numbers, but we didn't.  I read most of the sports page this morning, but that's it.  I've got to read some more Bible.  I forget what book I'm in.  One of the prophets.  A girls sits next to me wearing blue tights.  She's shading her eyes from the sun with her hand.  It's a pretty pose.    I am the frustrated, out-witted satyr. 



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