Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pissing on the Ceiling

5-19-98 Tu 1:50 PM
At my school desk.  I went to Molly's last night.  The band sucked.  I talked to no one but the bartender to order my three Harps.  Then I went to the Mint.  I scooted in while the girl at the door had her back turned, and I avoided paying the ten-dollar cover charge.  Harry Dean Stanton's band was playing.  I talked a long while with a woman who was worried about the state of education in Los Angeles.  I tried to mollify her fears, but don't think anything came of it.  It couldn't have helped that I was out after midnight on a Monday (technically Tuesday) drinking bourbons when I had to teach the next day.  She had adopted her two nieces and said they were afraid to go to school.  I didn't ask what she was doing out after midnight on a Monday with two frightened nieces at home.  She was a pretty, older woman with a twenty-year-old daughter.  I would have liked to do her.  When she left, people were dancing to Harry Dean.  I asked a couple of girls to dance, but neither wanted to.  Then came last call, and I drove home.  I woke up with a tremendous hard-on this morning.  Jacking off wouldn't work.  I needed some actual pussy.  I started to miss you-know-who and got sad.  My dick stayed hard for close to an hour.  I got up to piss and it started to soften a little, but I still had to perform some yoga to keep from pissing on the ceiling.  I went to Carl's Jr. and had a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger with mayonnaise and lettuce for breakfast.  I should get another one.  I slept on the floor of my classroom at lunch besieged by half-dreams of naked women.  I could cry.  Life's so short--to be in your prime without a love...It hurts.  It's sad.  Whatever.  What else?  What'll I eat today?  Got to go to the LACAS office.  Got to call Gabina Maxima about housecleaning.  Will I go out after night school tonight?  See "Godzilla" maybe?  I've got a banana.  I stole it from Thing.  The Lakers lost last night.  What else?  I haven't made any plans for my thirtieth birthday.  Mac invited me to Havasu.  He'll just rip me off.  Carlin made flyers for a party.  GIP says Rawler and An and he want to go out to dinner.  I'll wind up waffling until it's too late to do any of it.  Then I'll get into a drunk depression.



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