Thursday, August 08, 2013

1-12-98 M 9:20 AM
After this I can close this tortured book.  I will have to take pains to make the next one less painful.  I called Shirelle this morning.  She was sleeping.  She said she was getting only four hours sleep.  I asked what time she got off.  Her answer was that she had to go back to sleep.  Maybe she was up late fucking Doug.  When will I learn?  I'm in class right now.  The kids told vacation stories of drunken grandmothers and dads with gambling addictions.  It's cold and overcast.  The kids are writing in their journals.  I'm hungry, but I have to skip lunch.  Too bad I have to work tonight.  Marlin wanted to know how to spell Tweety.  What else?  I need a watch.  I have such a hard time keeping a watch. I'm out of chalk, too, and tape.  My stomach feels empty.  I ate some raisin bran this morning.  Is my girl going to come back?  Will we be able to make it work?  What else?  In a few minutes I'm going to call on students to read from their journals.  Then it will be recess.  I'll go to the library.  Get chalk.  See what I need to Xerox.  Clean my desk.  What else?  Then we do math.  Subtraction with regrouping.  Then lunch.  I'll read Tropic of Capricorn for lunch.  Then we grind through a science lesson on specialized cells.  Then PE.  Then I'll go home and page her.  Maybe she'll see me tonight.  Yeah, right.  I'll do my page.  Stare at Jim.  Maybe I'll have what it takes to tread.  Go to the LACAS office by eight thirty.  I hope Sharon doesn't think I dissed her by not calling.  When I get home, will Shrill see me?  If not, I don't know what.  Read and write, I guess.  Go to bed early.  Do the exact same fucking shit tomorrow.  "Maybe I don't want to spend the rest of my life explaining things to people," said Will Hunting.  What else?  She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly.  I'm going to get burned.  She don't want me.  She's no good.  She's trouble and heartache.  What else?  Get used to being alone.  I'm a good man, though, no?  I don't know.  I'm an asshole.  What else?  Fuck you.  I won't do what you told me.  What else?  When's spring break?  Alcides fue a Las Vegas.  Fueron a comer a McDonald's.  What else?  Three more fucking lines.  These kids don't listen.  Nobody listens.  Shrill only hears the crappy shit.



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