Tuesday, July 30, 2013

1-3-98     12

Lord, don't even let me start coughing.  Hard to write with these hollow plastic pencils.  Dumbest invention ever.  Glory is sleeping on the couch next to me.  Ko is on the other section.  I'm ~~~
Found like a golf course pencil.  Have to outwit a cough.  William moans shortly in his sleep.  Loser, baby.  Ow.  Ouch.  The people we love.

1-5-98 11:54 AM  M
Waiting outside Sh'rill's apartment.  She said to come at noon.  I don't want to be early.  It's real sunny today.  I need to get my brakes worked on.  I got some beer and champagne and orange juice.  I wonder what we'll do.  Drive up the coast?  Spend the night somewhere?  Morro Bay?  Last night was Thing's birthday.  We took him to Marvel Mania, a comic-superhero-themed restaurant up at Universal City Walk.  Carlin drove.  I had two Sams, a Turkey, and a Jungle Thriller or something like that which was basically just a renamed pina colada.  I should probably get a haircut soon.  I'll ask Shrill what she thinks.  It's a matter of seconds 'til I go to the door.  I'm nervous and shaky.  I ask God for help.

1-9-98 12:30 AM  Th
Holy shit, my vacation is over.  We're in the kitchen.  Gip's telling Marge stories.  Thing's smoking a Marlboro, and I'm smoking a Bugler/Ben-and-Debbie mix.  The deaf nympho had to have her dirty talk tele-typed over the phone.  They used to get out of hand.  One night they went out drinking.  His parents were out.  They were in the queen-sized bed.  The lava lamp was working.  They were doing a sixty-nine. She was on top.  He guesses he put his tongue in her ass, and she loved it.  So then he was on the phone, and she asked him to put his tongue in her ass, and there was a pause as the tele-typist typed it.  Gip says he hopes Thing's not jacking off in his room now after hearing that story.  Fuck, its one o'clock, he says.  What else?  Drinking some nasty wine.  Want to call Shrill. 



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