Wednesday, May 22, 2013

11-6 Th 9:50 AM
Recess.  Kayo's here observing my class.  All we did were a bunch of worksheets today.  At some point today, I'd like to get the rest of my Mailer reading done.  I still have almost two hundred pages to go.  I'll probably not finish until the weekend. 
6:53 PM  I'm in my night school class right now.  They're working on the imperfect tense.  Just the stuff my boss says not to do.  Oh, well.  I can only hope he doesn't show up.  I didn't get to do any reading today because I was hosting Kayo at school, and after school, I chaperoned a group of kids to LACMA like I do every week.  Today we saw the drawings on the second floor of the Hammer builidings.  I'm exhausted.  I would like this night to go by as quickly as possible.  I've done my 15 minutes and my '89 Comp Book page, but I still have the page to do and the hour with Jim, plus my reading.  Shirelle will be wanting to see me.  Tomorrow I have a 7:30 AM conference with feral child, Damnesia Harkings and her mom and Principal Dinersteen.  At six, Julia and Kathleen are coming over.  Before that I have to go to the market.  After that I go to softball.  Haven't heard from Peachtree about fishing.  What else?  Paper skeletons hang all over the door of this classroom.  Haven't had no toke today.  Kayo brought some crazy Sensimilla last night.  I felt retarded.  We talked some goofy UFO shit.  Told the last act of the Baja story.  What else?  Ate fuckin Jack in the Box today.  But that's all.  No breakfast.  Walked home.  Ran some drills with the kids.  I had two glorious days of Jim work, and now that seems all gone again.  I borrowed this pencil out of a Tupperware supply container on the table where I'm sitting.  There's masking tape on it with the names David and Otero in black and orange crayon.  During the day this is a fifth grade class.  U - G- L - Y /  You ain't got no alibi / You ugly! You ugly!  You mama say you ugly!  Saturday is it Michigan-Penn State week yet?  Write read write read write read all damn day.  Got a new watch strap.  Kay--Call Aunt Kay. 

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