Thursday, May 09, 2013


11-2 2:00 PM Su
I read the Book of Job.  It is the most contemplative book in the Bible (so far).  So what?  I need to resist my negative impulses.  Job and his friends ruminate on the relation of God and misfortune.  I ate leftover Thai food for lunch.  I'll make quesadillas for dinner.  The Forty-Niners are playing on TV against the Cowboys in San Francisco.  I just turned the volume off: Pressed the mute button; Hope I'll be able to think better without Madden and Summerall bending my ears.  Yeh.  Thing went to see a movie called "A Life Less Ordinary".  I have to call Kayo and Sheryl today.  I have to write to my aunt.  Wilson has been wounded in a skirmish at the Mount Tanaka Pass.  Mailer is working on a serialized novel.  The main character murders his wife in the first chapter.  It's ironic that the mind that crafted The Naked and the Dead would become such a bufoonical egomaniac.  What do I know?  I read the bio on the treadmill.  I have to write  me one page still.  Have to spend an hour still with Jim.  Shirelle called and said she was going for a swim at Debbie's and Ben's.  That means she'll be drinking and smoking. 
I need to develop a cohesive philosophy.  I listened to a little German radio this morning.  Pompous marching music.  I could pick out scraps of what the DJ said in German.  I wonder about my heritage.  Now I'm watching golf.  The Tour Championship.  I feel a twinge of despair.  I don't even want to consider what might be causing it.  And still a page to go.     What the fuck else?  Need to get a new band for my watch.  What matters?  Blue sky waste of time.  Don't care about anything.  Want change.  Why should I care?  Nothing bad ever happens to me.  I have to go sit at my desk after this.  It's as hard to write here alone in my house as it is to write in my classroom where I can't write either.  What else?  I feel like screaming, "WHAT ELSE?"  Feel like having it tattooed on my chest.  Urg.  Back to the grind tomorrow.  What else?  I hope I can get say a hundred more pages of this Mailer study done before I go to bed tonight at eleven.  I've been interested in the stock market lately.  If I had any extra money, now would have been a good time to buy.  What else?  My brother said he was coming over today, but he didn't.  Maybe he read my voice.



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