Tuesday, April 09, 2013

She Had a Sizeable Dorito in the Crumbs on Her Breasts

10-24 F 10:30 AM
I lost one of my inhalers.  I've got to call the pharmacy.  This always happens on the weekend when I can't get a hold of the doctor.  I'm in the Wilshire Hill auditorium.  They're showing a video about guided reading.  In the video there's nothing exceptional about a woman reading to a small group of children except that the children appear to have been hand-picked and then sedated.  Urg.  What else?  Softball game tonight.  Shirelle called about it.  She wants to go.  Ugh.  I'd like to just stay home and and get on the treadmill.  I better get working on Jim tonight, too.  After the game, I'll go home and type.  No World Series tonight.  Maybe I can catch up on some reading, too.  Watch the video with Shirelle.  Girls!  Girls!  Girls!  For an icebreaker at this training, we had to get into concentric circles and face each other and tell about a favorite book.  Every thirty seconds the circles turned in opposite directions until we came all the way around and everybody knew everybody else's favorite book.  Florelle wore a low-cut top.  We didn't talk about books.  We talked about margaritas.  When the circle rotated again, I got another low-cut dress on Miss Johnson.  She had a sizeable Dorito in the crumbs on her breasts. 
What the hell else?  I better call Payless at lunch.  E-mail Jewelia.  My dog/  My D-o-g/ My dog.  Inventive spelling.  I need a new bulletin board idea.  the and to said you he it in was they she - Tim's drawing a hand.  Yovonne Ellington had a good presentation. I asked if she was related to Duke.  She wasn't.  The sweat of Septemeber finally ate throught my leather watch band.  I never felt it slip off.  Only noticed it was missing from my wrist and couldn't remember taking it off.  I found it on the floor and Scotch taped it back.  I was telling Mr. Modchill about it.  He called it a Scotch tape weld.



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