Monday, January 28, 2013


10-1 1:19 PM W
Stayed home with a case of the October boogers.  Got game two of the Marlins/Giants playoff on in front of me.  I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the armchair, writing on the coffee table.  A coffee mug shares the TV Guide with a bottle of beer and the remote control.  You need the TV remote to turn the TV on and off and to make sure the TV is on channel three.  You need another remote to turn on the cable box and turn channels, but you can't adjust the volume with that one, you need the other one.  A third remote is for the porno machine.  The batteries are weak, though. You can PLAY, FF, REW, and STOP, but you can't turn the power on and off; you must get up and walk over to it and press the button.  The cable remote is lying across a marble marijuana pipe.  I put it there to cap the bowl so as not to waste any smoke.  Green Camel matches from the Dublin are right next to that, and next to that, a burnt match, a wad of toilet paper, a box of Tylenol Allergy Sinus Anti-Histamine Nasal Decongestant Pain Reliever, a clear plastic ziploc baggie too small for sandwiches with a corner full of marijuana left in it,  Thing's copy of The Naked and the Dead (First edition paperback), place held by three-year-old notebook page, Wiley Coyote pen (purchased at Ralph's supermarket), roll of toilet paper, maroon phone, cord dangling off the edge of the table and over the couch, two yellow Albuterol inhalers with orange caps, and a piece of string.  I don't know the story behind the piece of string.  The breeze lifts the bag, but it doesn't go anywhere.  I was hearing an essay about baseball realignment. 
Some rich guy with a big gold ring sitting in the front row off first base talking on his cel phone got knocked out by a foul ball.  Smile.
I fell like talking a stove-flame-heated, red hot, straightened paper clip to this wart on my thumb.
What if it comes out that Jim had sex just once with Mary and knocked her up and they aborted the baby? 

                                                                      ...toss it in the trash?  (Sad face).

I'll go ahead and declare the Marlins NL champs.  Leyland's smart enough not to rely on Gary Sheffield and his reunion with Bobby Bo's gonna produce a big fall for the one-time Buc slugger.


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