Friday, July 06, 2012

7-19 Su 3:37 10:26 PM
Just returned from Alta Dena where Peachtree and I played nine holes of golf at the foot of Mt. Wilson.  I had a few good shots, but I mostly sucked

as usual.  This kid was playing with us, so I couldn't curse as virulently as I might have otherwise.  This morning I went to Pico and La Brea to Roscoe's with Carlin and Glorious.  Tug.  After golf, Peach and I went to Domenico's.  I had salad and pizza and a pasta combo plate.  Tomorrow, God help me with a strict diet. I read the paper and did about seventy-five percent of the crossword puzzle.  Shirelle was hassing me last night about my lack of interior decoration skills.  We argued loudly.  I said to get off my back, that I didn't get on her about shit, like how she doesn't read.  Tomorrow, I have to send off more bills.  Turn in attendance.  I've half a mind to take the day off and spend it with Jim and Aaron and Pam.  7-20- 2:02 PM M  Feel subversive wearing sandals and stubbled, high, the room another mess.  The phone rang.  It was pretty suspenseful.  Should I answer it?  What if it is work?  Or Shirelle?  Or for Thing?  It rang three times before I reached over to pick it up.  No one was there.  Haven't read the newspaper yet.  
Gross formalities.
I'm thinking of going to Border's.  Buy a paper, some coffee, CD or a tape, a CD-ROM. -      I've got most of that here.  Almost rather hand the whole check over to Shirelle and always have it be me trying to wheedle money out of her.
Thinking about Nicholas Roget when I think about my night job.  Who's he to tell me?  Gives off a real sense of underlying superior attitude.
What things did my father dream about on the couch?
I can't go to Borders.  I have books to read.
Should have asked Rawler about security.  Should have asked Peachtree how he was liking All the Pretty Horses, which I loaned to him.   Hard to ever do something long without starting to think it's a waste of time.  Guitar to play.  I was playing kind of an A - D and Peachtree said it was kind of pleasant.  I wish the bills all came on the same day.
Raining in July!  It seems phenomenal.  A sudden shower.  Ray came out to watch his grandson; came out and looked for a bit. Heard men laughing.  Grandson went back in.  The shower slowed to a drizzle.  Crows rejoiced in it.  A little girl came out with her umbrella.  Mel and the Chinese guy came out to water their lawns.  The top is down on the convertible.


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