Thursday, May 31, 2012

7-14 M 12:40 PM
Things are going well today.  I'm done with the newspaper.  Did the whole crossword puzzle in under ten minutes.  I'm skipping lunch without any major hunger pangs.  I wrote for an hour before class.  I'm not tired.  The only drawback is I'm dressed like a dork.  My pants don't fit and my shoes are goofy.  I don't know if I'll be able to get the exercise I need dressed the way I am.       After school, I'll finally call Jacquie Fane.  Then I'll write for two hours.  Then I'll pring thirty or so pages to bring to Sharon at LACAS.  We'll go over pronouns, the alphabet, and verbs in the present tense.  After class I'll type a page and bring my books to Shirelle's house.  She made fried chicken.  Oh, I'll have to eat before I call Jackie Phain.  I have a leftover Sonoran enchilada from El Cholo. I'm out of jelly.  I need to go to the store for a new jar of jelly.  Maybe I should make a sauce for my noodles. or eat that leftover shrimp.  The Dodgers are on against the Rockies in Denver at six tonight, but I'll be at class teaching. Five days until payday.  I'm not sure what kind of check I'll be getting.  About two thousand dollars, I guess.  I'll totally pay off my Sears card this month.       What else?     I ate corn bran cereal for breakfast.  When teh kids come back from lunch, they'll do self portraits.  I'll get into another chapter of Bonnie Friedman's sharing of her experience with the writer's struggle.  Ugh.  What else?  Jesus and Luis are playing a game on the computer. I wonder how much longer I'll be subbing for this class.  There's nothing to draw around here.     I was leafing through an illustrated dictionary, and some fucked-up tripper penned bathing suits onto the illustrations of the human body in every one of these dictionaries.  What is it they're afraid of?  What do they think they're protecting the kids from?  Crazy.  The bell has rung, and I'm not done.  I'll go a while, let the kids get lined up.  Let the traffic ja of students moving to class dissapate. I'm going to have this journal filled in under a month.  Crap!  What else?  What else?  What else?  What the fuck else?  Give me something else.  Agh.


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