Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Ass by the Body for Travelers to Trip on

3-3- Su 9:10 AM
There's a black cat on the sidewalk in front of me. I saw a patch of white on his chest, so I shall fear no evil. I'm writing as I walk up to the Bob's Big Boy on Wilshire. I read the front page of the Times while I walked. I'm going with the Gip to the Dodger/Angel game in Anaheim today.
9:40 PM
Shirelle never called back. I was mean to her on the phone when she called this morning. I could eat right now, but I ate so much this morning. I've got to do some shopping soon. In the Bible today was a story about a guy who bore false witness against another guy, told the other guy that the Lord had come to him and said that he should return with him which was contrary to what God had said to the one guy, so God had a lion eat the guy who believed the other guy's lie instead of God's word, and had a lion and an ass stay by the body for travelers to trip on.
Should I call Shirelle? I've got to go to bed soon. I hope I do a good job teaching tomorrow. Between classes I'll clean my desk and do some accounting. I haven't written in cursive for a while. Que mas? Estoy desfeliz. Estoy confundido. Estoy trippando en la diferencia en el degrado de permanencia en las formas de "ser" and "estar". Dormi dos horas cuando regresamos del juego. Mi casa en Tujunga--Tengo que buscar un trabajo alla tambien. Sera un dolor viajar a trabajo to commutir, no? desde alla todos los dias y a ir a escuela en Ucla o algo, tambien sera dificil. Debo llamarla? Ella no vendra. Nuestra amistad esta acabado. Manana, despues de clase, voy a hacer mis compras, a shoppear, en el Supermercado. Casi terminado. Mi vida chupa. Sere feliz cuando he pagado mis bills de credito. Tres lineas mas. Una oracion larga para parar. Ole! Es todo.


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