Saturday, September 04, 2010

Doh! I didn't finish these three pages last night. I'm lying in bed right now, burnt out, but unable to sleep. I wanted to take a nap before going out on the prowl. I think I was still drunk when I got to school. There were only nine kids today because it's Good Friday. I let them do whatever they wanted. They put in videos and did games on the computer and painted and build things with interlocking cubes. I was too drunk to read the paper at first, but I did kind of get started on it after ten for a while. I dozed off a bit. At lunch I drove to Taco Bell. First I went to the bank. I got paid today. My gross was almost $4,000.oo this month. On the way home I stopped at the pot shop. I haven't smoked any. My lungs are still tarred from the Camels I smoked at Dublin's Whiskey Bar last night. We had a crazy Korean cab driver, all enthused about Guatemala, laughing that I was a teacher. On the way back, we had a Ukrainian better suited for bodyguard work. What will I do tonight? Just sleep? Nah. The Derby, mebbe? What else? What else? Youth in Revolt does not measure up to Fante. My legs shake fanatically. I shake them. Letting my Parkinson's do its thing. I've got to call the Gip and make sure he hasn't killed himself to join the UFO behind the Hale-Bopp comet. I still haven't seen the thing. I need new clothes. How can I be so tired and filled with static energy? What else? I jacked twice today. Once in the ____ at ______. Que mas? Treadmill? Fuck. I wish there was a pill you could take that makes you feel like you've just awakened from a refreshing three-hour nap. I'll check my e-mail after this. Maybe I ought to dump the whole nap idea. Maybe I should just get high.


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