Sunday, August 22, 2010

3-24 M 7:31 AM
All I've done since leaving off here last night is sleep and wake up and get ready for school and here i am at my class. I read a couple pages of Ask the Dust. Arturo went down to the Columbia Buffet to flaunt his story money in front of Camilla. I woke up at 5:40, before the alarm went off. I thought about getting a head start on the day, but went back to sleep for twenty minutes instead, when the alarm went off, and even then I lay there a while before getting out of bed to shower. I washed my hair and brushed my teeth in the shower. I left the shampoo on my head while I brushed me teeth, letting the Head and Shoulders go to work on my scalp. Then I rinsed and turned off the water and stepped out and dried off and dressed. I ate Cheerios and read the front section of the NY Times. The Israelis' treatment of the Palestinians really bothers me. The opressed become the opressors. I couldn't find my belt this morning. Kayo is supposed to come to my class. Afterward I'm going to guide him to the District Office to see about getting him hired as a teacher. There's kid knocking on the door. Carmina needs me to install MSWord on her computer. I have to post a sign up sheet for the compter training that is in two weeks. It's overcast today. I guess I better skip lunch today. What else? My LA Times weren't waiting for me at school today. I'm a disorganized slob. I haven't seen Shirelle in over a week. I have stinky rotten farts. I have a styrofoam cup with coffee in it. I haven't been able to get online these last few days. Last night it gave me some message about resetting the parameter RAM, which I did, but it kept giving me the same message. I didn't wash my cars this weekend like I had planned. What else? Does my life suck? Am I a dumb-ass? Will I ever have love and a family? Why am I tired all the time? Should I wait 'til Friday to visit the pot shop? Should I give it up altogether? Why are Jeff and Pablo emotional wrecks? I wish I could call Sanyo. What if I did? I better get up to the playground and bring the kids down. What else? Two more lines and I can stop. Here we are.


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