Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2-21- Fri

My wrists are sore from typing and writing and playing guitar. I had a baked potato with cheese and broccoli and sour cream for lunch and a little quesadilla with guacamole. I've got to change the stupid training on Tuesday. We'll just have it after, I guess. I can't get a reading on the tuner for my top E cord. It's dusk right now. No one's home. I should do the dishes. I'm drinking a Dos Equis slowly. I took a wee hit with the old aluminum foil pipe trick. Maybe I'll go through the old desk calendar and compile the phone numbers scrawled on them. Maybe I'll call Catherine. Maybe not. I should call back Gip. I should eat at home tonight. I think I've got more thinking to do before I work on Jim. Maybe I can hit these guys up about it tonight.
Hi ho hi ho. I read the LA Times kind of for the first time in quite a few days. I haven't viewed any pornography today. I have to respond to my e-mail. I've got stuff just regular stuff to do. What will I eat tonight? I've got to use this bread before it goes bad.
~~~~~I had two beers and two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and now I feel sick to my stomach. I think I'll just do a lot of reading after this. Then I'll go to sleep. I've got to clean my desk. I can take a walk in the morning to read the paper somewhere. Dim sum shit crap What's there to say. I'm listening to one of the Marsalis boys blow his horn. Some 4-eyed intellectual chick from the Wall St. Journal is blabbing something I cant hear on channel 50. Kathleen left a story called "The Easter Egg Hunt". I need to retype "Whalesongs" to send to Julia.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thurs, 2-20
Hoo boy. What is there? Not much. The usual coffee and paper at the kitchen table under the window. I don't feel like writing. My writing is going nowhere. I was in Torrance today for another goofy seminar. Kathleen and Julia were here a coupla hours or so. I bought wine and cheese and crackers and Dos Equis. The traffic was Satanic. We had lunch at Marie Callendar's. I had seafood pasta. Dick recognized my comment on Sylvestre. I taught my ESL classes. We covered pronouns and past and present verbs, walk, talk, eat and be. I went to the pot shop before class last night. I parked a block away so I could walk up inconspicuously. I took off my sweater, so I would go in in my t-shirt, and I smoked a cigarette as I walked up. I rang the buzzer. Nothing. I rang again. A sign was written sloppily on purple paper. It said, be back in 15 minutes. A black man and woman sat in front of the beauty shop. A blond bum begged change across the street. I wondered if he was a vice cop. I went into the Chinese place next door and got a beer. I looked at the menu. I saw another guy go to the pot shop door, ring the bell, and then walk around aimlessly. The beer went down fast. Some trippy occult store sits next to the Chinese joint. I walked in for a minute and checked out a few pentagrams and walked out. I sat on the wall for the parking lot of the Catalina Bar and Grill. I tried the shop again. I was buzzed in. The guy behind the cage asked how I was doing. "Pretty good," I said, and asked him the same, but the transaction was over, and I moved on. Taught my class, got home, got high. Read some journal. Not bad.
What else? I'm pooped. I've a half urge to contact Shirelle. I hate to say it, but I may be too tired to do my fifteen minutes. It's a damn shame about my treadmill. Peter Lee just called. I told him about Dave Dawes' documentaries about Rachel, Nevada and about wedding chapel marriages, and about the Flat Earth Society, and about how Dave was looking for a director. I'll play a little guitar before bed. The lady next door at the community adult school also does film. Her film is called "Taxi Dancer". I should have walked out to the parking lot with her. I just wanted to bail. I've got to start thinking about Pamela and the girls. Thing's talking about a G.I. Joe convention. What else? Read another chapter of Linda's book. Toby may become Jim-like. She explores the fear of abandoned youth. I just missed "Seinfeld". I won't be getting to see it or "Jeopardy" or the "Simpsons" for a while, now that I teach nights, too. I've still got all these chores to do and calls to make and paperwork to fill out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wed 2 - 19
I just know this is going to be tough today. I better write big. I drove across the Valley on Roscoe to Noble Elementary to hear another speaker promote bilingual education. When they broke for lunch, I bailed. I got off the 170 at Lankershim and thought of having lunch at Miceli's one of these days. I took forty dollars from my checking account. I still have two hundred dollars in there. I still haven't called Darin or my grandparents in Idaho. Anyway, I drove to Cahuenga and Hollywood and parked in a loading zone. I brought a copy of today's LA Times to the cashier at the newsstand, but she wouldn't break my twenty, which was all I had. I tossed it disgustedly back where I'd gotten it and crossed the street. I had to stick my head out to see past a big truck that had pulled up and stopped in the street. I thought of the redheaded girl. I'd seen her run-down on Highland a few years ago crossing the street in front of a van that had stopped for her. I got to the sidewalk on the other side and rang the bell on the iron gate of the African Shop. Nothing happened. I pushed it again. A laugh came from the beauty shop next door. I felt like it was directed at me. I crossed back to the car, got in, and drove home. When I got home, I had a microwave burrito with sour cream, and I read about Brett Butler's attempted spring training comeback in yesterday's paper. I watched some porn and read some Sweet Remedy and watched some more porn. Now I'm doing this. I've got to look into books for my ESL students before class tonight. Tomorrow I have an 8:45 seminar in Torrance, and then I meet with Julia and Kathleen, the class again. So here I am now with half a page to go and nothing to say. Not like I had anything to say when I started this. Should I try back at the pot shop? Should I just read? What time do I need to get to LA High to sort out this book thing? Shall I kiss my writing good-bye? Shall I make a Garden Burger? What will I put on it? Do I miss Shirelle? Should I do the crossword? Do I have any idea what to do with Jim next? Hi ho the dairy o the farmer in the dell What the hell. What else? Nothing

Thursday, April 01, 2010

My Clothes Were Smeared with Zeke's Floating Neon Pink Cheese

martes 18 de febrero

Hoy me dieron un nino nuevo. Quiero que Luis aprende escribir, pero nunca pasara. The weather was kind of freaky yesterday. The kids talked excitedly about the hail. They said it snowed. Sandra said they were granizos de hielo. Elizabeth has returned from Mexico. She brought me a nice leather wallet. Los ninos salvan mi alma.
Last night, the Insanity Pepper went up to Melrose and West Mount, just past La Cienega to pick up my friend New Jersey John Bayless. We went to a saloon on the corner called Sloan's. I had a beer and the guys ordered burgers. I tried not to have a burger, but I caved in after an hour. The bar is right near the Pacific Design Center. There was Michelangelo's David standing tall in the back of a pick-up truck. I spied the Mona Lisa in a window across the street. We talked about girls. There were three sitting at a table. I overheard that they'd been at the beach. I might have asked them how funky the weather was at the beach, but they weren't that attractive. I was pretty gross, too. I hadn't showered after fishing all day. My hair was messed up and my clothes were smeared with Zeke's Floating Neon Pink Cheese. We went to Blockbuster. I bought the movie "12 Monkeys". I thought I might give it to Shirelle. Then I flipflopped. Maybe I shouldn't call her. I steel myself against it, but I know I will get weak.
The staff meeting will be in my room today. I should to go LA High with my paperwork this afternoon. I've got to make a plan for the sub for the next two days. I need to get to Downey one day this week and register my credential. I've got to get all the computer memories at school. There's a bunch of other crap. Shall I refrain from cruising past the bud shop today? Julia canceled our meeting today. I need to do some planning. Testing is coming up first half of March. Henry is done with his math. I sent him to the computer to compile some info on Abe Lincoln.
What else?