Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dreaming About One While the Other Demands

Tues. 2-11-97
I dreamed about Laurie Sunnyfield again. The dream seemed to go on all night. Haunting. I was looking out a window. She was in the reflection behind me. It was in the Caribbean, near Panama. There had been an accident. A tanker had run into the walls of one of the locks. I was on a riverboat. There was a campfire. Dirk Io and Adrian Cazador were there. My shirt got burned. When I woke, it was five twenty-three. I took a shower and read the paper and ate cereal and e-mailed Doss. I have inkstains on my fingers from trying to refill my printer cartridge last night. It is cold and damp this morning. My good-mornings are hollow. Mrs. Moddy gave me a hate-filled look.
Still winter. I had a wee hit this morning. I feel the great weight of all human emotion in my chest. Yeah yeah yeah. I put that letter to Julia on a disk so I can print it here at school. I still have to write my grandparents. I need to get the room straightened out for the faculty meeting today. Sandra Anaya is at the door. Smart kid. Someone to watch the bellflowers. Someone to research St. Valentine. Someone to type their friendship paper. Workbooks. ugh. Shirelle says she has a list of demands : 1. We get engaged. 2. We move out and get a place together. 3. I commit two days a month to her and romance. My head just started an achy throb. I need to hurry if I am to finish this in the five minutes left before the bell rings when I have to go pick up my class. A dog yips a high pitch in the back yard of the house just the other side of the ivy-covered fence outside my door. Tomorrow I go to some conference. What else? That's really it. That's all there is to my life. What do I think of Shirelle's demands? I don't know. Is she ready for that? Do I want her back? That's the question right there, and I don't want to ask it, let alone answer it. What do I do? Seek guidance from the Lord supernatural? I don't know. What if I could find Laurie? Ha ha. Knock it of, Dork Boy. Why is it so hard to be cool around the ones you love?


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