Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb. 5, 1997 Wed.
I haven't written for a few days. It's been a disheartening while. I don't really want to go into it. What will I write about? I was reading journals from six years ago. I can't believe I have been writing that long. Six years ago it was mad sporadic stuff. I sort of enjoyed reading it compared to this plodding (plotting?) I do now.
Bird's sax sings in the back. I need a special blessing this year, but what is it, and is it fair for me to ask for it? The hair drier is on in the bathroom. I'll covet my bitterness. I'll miss the big dictionary. There goes a phone. It's not mine. Now a pager is going off. Shirelle is moving out. She moved her furniture somewhere. It's a pretty sordid story. Save our souls. How to handle flaming hearts? Start passing out your e-mail address. What else? I still can't get my driver's license. I thought I noticed a progression in the old journal. An utter falling apart. Now I'm in trouble. There's a Lakers/Bulls game on the tube. Shaq aint playing, though. I caught a lively cricket. I threw him out the window. Chick says Jack Nicholson was in "Star Wars". What the heck is he talking about? I don't trust her expenditures. I've got the treademill to set up. Shouldn't I finish these three pages first. I opened a collection of essays by Wallace Stevens. I nosed through R.L. Stevenson's On Travel Writing. It started out all about Edinburgh. You know, but maybe I'm easily irritated and prone to exaggeration.
All right. Half time. I shouldn't trivialize this ritual between halves of a basketball game. Trivia. Trivia vs. Knowledge. Buncha crap. Just keep writing. There's something good in me somewhere if I only had the patience to find it. I drove through Jack in the Box this morning and had an Ultimate Cheeseburger. I had a cafeteria bean burrito for lunch. Alex shared a lot of choclate chip cookies today. I had a conference with his parents after school. I think I'll make some peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Maybe tomorrow on the way to work I'll dirve through Burger King and have a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger with Mayonaise. Maybe I'll just put a few bullets in me. Now she wants to talk. Make that Carl's Jr. I read the Times today. She's going for Chinese. There was a glowing read blob on top of the old Bekin building on Pico and Crenshaw. I wished I had my camera. Kathleen called. I'm reduced to listing events. Is that a reduction? I'll tread when the game has ten minutes to go. Then I can shower without mising any game. I asked Pam about paying teachers to attend training. The game is on again already. I've got my fifteen minutes to do still. I've got some Neruda to read. I took an Elkin story off the shelf.


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