Monday, March 08, 2010

2-9-96 Deranged Tie Guy

I am an idiot. I feel fat from McDonald's. I feel worse about eating a cheeseburger than I do about smoking pot. I wish I had the will to go vegetarian. Maybe I do. We went to Farmer's Market and ate gumbo in honor of Mardi Gras. I asked Getoff what he was giving up for lent. "Processed sugar products," he said. I think he meant "sweets." Live pure until spring. Lord, help me to do it.
Go to sleep, my baby. Cooks, cleans, does laundry, good in bed vs. doesn't read, needy, Cosmo girl. I'm like poison. We were in a candle shop.
Kathleen just called. I played along with the conversation. It's hard to write in bed. I fell asleep on the couch today. I don't even know how to be honest with myself. What else? My mouth tastes yucky. I should call Julia. And write to Dave. What else? It's 10:30. I need to get to sleep. I have to check on Cheryl's, Alois's, and Elvia's computers tomorrow. I didn't get near as much reading done as I wanted today. I must exercise tomorrow. I must, I must, I must decrease my bust. Judy Blume. All the girls in the fifth grade used to read Judy Blume. Super Fudge. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret. I never read them. This weekend was a bust. I need to get in touch with myself. I need a day off. That fucking hangover this weekend fucking fucked me. I squashed a gnat on the wall with my fingernail. Sometimes you see things in acoustic ceilings besides cottage cheese. I see a lobster wearing a sombrero. There's a second grader's drawing of a rocket ship.
I drew a drawing of a round bald face with two big round eyes, one eye about twice the diameter of the other with small pupils and the corner of a rectangle lying flat for a nose and a thick straight line for a mouth and a necktie on the broad chin.

There's a crucifix in the closet door. Absalom was slain for conspiring against David. "Far be it from me," was a phrase in there today. David locked his concubines in a ward and never went up into them. Sheba, who has a cat food named after her, was beheaded. Remember the facial tissue ghosts in the ceiling? It was just my magination, running away with me. My guitar has been coming along lately. I'm supposed to fax my credit card number. What else? Almost there. "Star Wars" is out in theaters. It was such a landmark of my generation's childhood. What else? My Blockbuster coupon. I'm an idiot.


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