Saturday, February 06, 2010

Putting Names on the Happy Face, His Dad Passage Away

Thurs. Jan. 30
I was trying to type for fifteen minutes but the phone rang. I smoked a little dope, and now I feel like one. The New England Journal of Medicine came out against the U.S. policy of classifying marijuana as a schedule one drug. Shire says her ex-boyfriend invited her up to San Francisco. He wants to smoke pot with her. She says, at least she never got fat. She's telling someone on the phone she can't go to Monterey. She would love to go, but she has to ask her boyfriend (me), and he said no. I didn't. To everyone who asked me how I was doing today, I said, "I'm feeling pretty good." It was true. They would ask and I would check my sensors and it would be true. Now I'm sitting here and the word 'shitty' appears. What's so shitty? I wonder. No one answers. There's more champagne in the house. Shirelle brought it back with her cigarettes. I didn't take any pictures today. I went to the post office and got tax forms. I didn't mail that package to Jancy, though. I got in line and thought Thing might have mailed it from Lightstorm for me if I had thought to ask. Yesterday--It seems like today, but it was yesterday, Danny said Carlos wouldn't be at school because his dad was in the hospital. It's serious, he said, and pointed to his heart. I tried to put him at ease. I wasn't listening that well. It was the first thing in the morning. The kids were all saying things. I was writing the date on the board and putting names under the happy face. I said to Danny that sometimes people have to go to the hospital with chest pains and stay there a few days. I said it was from eating too much cholesterol, and I explained how arteries get clogged. Danny said, No, that wasn't it exactly. I said, Oh, is he having surgery? Danny said, "He drinks," and he held out his hands and demonstrated the shakes. This is a nine-year-old kid. "Oh," I said. That afternoon, at PE, he said, Mr. Zurn, Carlos' dad died." I was a bit non-plussed. "He didn't want me to tell you," Danny said.
Carlos came to school the next day with a note excusing him because "His dad passage away and for the funerals on Friday."


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