Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Live From Papa Rico Pizza on Olympic and La Brea

Wed. May 22

Live from Papa Rico Pizza here on Olympic and La Brea, waiting on a Bud Light --and here it is! I'll twist off the cap...And I think I'll pour it in this here frosty mug...Now for a drinky dink...Aahhh.
So what's there to report? Went to Osage to fill out my applications for my State Clear Credential. Yelled at some kids today for talking while I'm teaching, one of those blood vessel-popping yells, and it made a very slight impression on these sixth graders. Only the good kids were frightened and the rude ones went right on being rude. I've already tried the nice guy approach. It's not their fault. Their regular teacher hasn't trained them. They'll be getting still another sub since tomorrow I'll be out on the yard for the psychomoter thing. I bought a bunch of footballs for it at Target. I bought myself some shirts and shorts while I was there. The shirt I'm wearing has sailboats and marlins on it.
The Dodgers will be playing the Mets on ESPN in a few minutes.
Last night I totally shirked on Jim and went instead with Miguel to pick up Suzette the schizophrenic Australian stripper who has made him her chauffuer. We took her to work at the Wild Goose. We stayed for a double Turkey rocks and 3 or 4 Bud Lights and three losses on the pool table to Old George, who's been a fixture there for about twenty years and rarely loses. We left about nine and I came home and got high and played guitar and got a B-day B-job from Sh'elle.
I had been so close to rolling on JC, too. If it hadn't been my birthday I'd've resisted my cravings. I'm planning to just go! go! go! for 40 minutes non-stop + a 20 minute edit just move it along whatever comes to mind. Combinations of this reckless go go go approach with careful planning and editing ought to get me there. Tomorrow I go to UCLA's free-on-Thursday Fowler Museum to see the voodoo exhibit. I've also got to go to the Credit Union. Class on Friday. Payday Friday. Pasadena Saturday. Matinee Sun. Bible study. Monday financial planning, weekly plan, etc. Man, my beer's already gone. Definitely treadmill during the game tonight.


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