Saturday, January 06, 2007

Black Holes, Newtonian Law, and Heavy Drinking

Sa 2-10-96
Going nowhere, it seems, the old treadmill routine, but that's a lie, too, some of treadmills are more like convertible La-Z-Boy Barcalounger EZ Chairs, are cozy, and hard to get out of. I've got no momentum, the Newtonian Law of Inertia rules my life, a body at rest tends to remain at rest; A body in motion remains in motion. Is that right? Unless acted upon by external forces. I could go look it up, but then I wouldn't be writing, in violation of my agreement which is, as always, to write and not worry about how lame it is, but just to write without stopping until I've filled these three pages.
I blame everybody else for not writing--not true--Got to try harder.
I bought this video game for the computer where you wander around this sci-fi island and try to figure out what's going on. Like I paid money for that when I can wander around my living room for free and try to figure out what's going on.
"Three Coins in the Fountain" is on the American Movie Channel right now.
What could have been more cool than starring in a lot of westerns and war pictures?
I had my sweats on backwards today. The Nike sole checking account. The phone bill and the car insurance bill came today.
Dialog with her is like quicksand.
S'pos'tuh go to Pasadena to visit Pablo and Esteban and Esteban. There's a voodoo blues man playing at the House tonight. That could be cool. Shogun with Mariachi. In two hours I'm leaving. So I've got to write a good introduction for my portfolio. I'll definitely open a file for it today. I've got some computer hassles to hack through.
Shirelle's in the next room watching TV. The Thing just bailed. "It's clobberin' time!" Gip and Derb were working on a flyer for a St. Patrick's Day party.
Do nothing. If something comes up, deal with it. I've been in jail three times. DUI, UCI, Pasadena. Ain't she sweet, making money off her meat. What else? Totem pole bear head.
Hilary Clinton was at an elementary school in Pacoima today. I saw her motorcade.
I could really use some heavy drinking tonight. Would that not further increase the gravity of the black hole?
I've got to start devoting a chunk of time to Jim every day. What could I do with a half hour every day? Too bad we don't have prehensile tails. Bebop skah diddly wop.
What the motherfuck. Guitar? 15 min.? Internet? CDRom? Write, fool, write. Claris Works. Simple Text. The Writing Center, A kid threw up in front of the class. Alma Torres's litte brother.
Saint John John - character.


Blogger Gerry said...

Your post is pretty different...infact what made me visit your blog was the very's unique and yes there are two things I associate with your blog and enjoy is heavy drinking and the other is having fun doing the same on St. Patrick's Day. Anyways, do drop into my blog for some crazy, freaky good time.

2:42 AM  

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