Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2/6/96 Tu
Boiling some spaghetti. I just pour the sauce out of the jar onto the hot pasta, mix it up, and eat it right out of the pot. The newly Magic-led Lakers lead Denver with six minutes to go while over on channel 15 the Kings will probably lose to Chicago even at the Forum. Yeah yeah yea I'm pinche tired. Still haven't gotten my web browser fixed. Still haven't finished Thomas. Haven't gotten any exercise today. Muthafucka. Listened to the Beastie Boys on the way home from the school in Pacoima where I work. The air was weird today. It was foggy in the morning, but then it was windy this afternoon, and all the fog got blown away, and it was clear briefly until all the dust got kicked up over the valley. The fog rolled back in as the sun went down and the sky was backlit a post-apocalyptic brown-gray.

Still have to do the 15 minutes and begin the Crack file, but I'll probably just go to bed after this unless I get the ganas to take that half hour walk my fat belly needs. I look older than I am. I'm still young. Ten years ago I wasn't even eighteen yet. So much has happened in ten years. Ten years from now where will I be? So much could happen. Or maybe not. The ten past were formative years. What next? Family? (There was another one of those little hallucinatory stars went across my field of vision.)
I'm a big lame-0 loser nerd geek. Threw my high school reunion invitation in the trash.
People are a big let down.
Have parent conferences. Met the diablo's dad.
Evan's moved to NoHo. Howrad's going to Stanislaus County to work in the DA's office. Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope.  

BompBompBompahBomBomPa BomBomBomBompa Bom Bom Bomb pah Aaugh.
The Thing wants to know if he can "borrow" the remote. I've drawn the ghost of a wookie here.
Chimelle and I argued finances. I paid all my bills today. Balnced the ol' checkbook. Went to the credit union. Ordered new checks. Made a deposit.
Still need to walk up to Office Depot. Tomorrow. Computer City sucks. Computers suck! Suck suck suck suck. Talked about skiing with Arenal Bacchus. PILOT BETTER RETRACTABLE FINE That's what kind of pen this is. Kings are getting shellaqued.


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