Saturday, December 23, 2006


Much to do. Got a Mark Whitfield strum floating around the room while I also listen to a tape of myself reading Dylan Thomas. The tape's playing anyway; I don't know if I'm actually listening. My insides feel rotted, like I can feel the bottomless pit in the nuclei of my cells. How to be healthier? Perhaps a move to Stanislaus County?
I just thought something about having kids, about how much the conception might have to do with the character of the kid.
It seems
Computer languages--Where do they get off calling them language?
What if I wrote something for somebody each week?

There was just now some creepy hiss
an electronic rattlesnake.
A drain in the light bulb over my head
A pressure pop! in the powered appliance

A child howls in savage mournin-

"Wow man I just got into some heavy duty data crunching on my Apple MacIntosh Performa 6205CD POWERPC, man...Had to take a break, man."

Really now I need to just move through the 3 pages. I would like to spend all evening searching with lazy luxury the choicest tidbits of human expression, but I'm in a hurry. I got shit I gotta do. Is that one?
I would like to be able to throw them out at random without any concern for the order.
Oh, that's what I already do.

A field in Utah comes to mind.

I'm going to miss this little notepad.

Saw the movie "Dead Man Walking". I don't want to preach right now.

Agh- I got heartburn.

This pencil says MADE IN CHINA. McArthur would be appalled. My grandfather wouldn't prefer a pencil marked so. Aren't I supporting the communist regime by using this pencil?

I've got to write in my teacher journal before going to bed ideally in 50 minutes. I was supposed to type up a document for my portfolio tonight.
How come Charlie Sheen gets to have a video camera at the Laker game?

Almost there/Stay on target/Almost there/Stay on target


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