Friday, June 30, 2023

 5-7-01 9:00 PM M

I should get a haircut soon. I have an appointment at the DMV to get my driver's license renewed next Wednesday the siteenth. I've got to take the written exam. Whatever. Ther was such a beautiful girl at Muse sitting against the wall alongside the band, bored. A runty guy with faux blond hair approached her for a dance, but she refused. I know she wanted me to ask her. What would have been the point? I have been haunted by this for two days. I know it'll go away soon. Yo siento nada para mi esposa, and she doesn't deserve that. Why must I subvert my passion and instincts? How does decency outweigh truth? Ugh. Whatever. As soon as I woke up, the girl was in my head. I shook it off. Pissed. Fed the dog. Got my baseball shit together and drove up to Bob's Big Boy. Had some eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, toast, waffles, French toast, biscuits and gravy, coffee, and water. Wrote a third-person page on the laptop. Paid the bill and drove the Olds to Balboa Park in the Valley. I had a so-so game. I felt clumsy and struck out and popped up, but I walked, stole second, moved to third on a ground out, and scored. I handled everything hit to me in left. When I got home, Rochelle still had not arrived. I wondered if she, too, is affected by other men. I wondered if she kissed any. She had gone out with "the girls" and spent the night in Orange County. They were going dancing. When she came home, I had no desire besarla. I kept doing the dishes. I made some chicken wings and we each drank a Corona Light. I stayed up to see the Kings win a double overtime squeaker against Colorado. Ha ha! I read the news and the Koran and about Herod's Tomb this morning. I typed fifteen minutes. The kids seem to have learned nothing this year. They've even forgotten things I taught them just last week. Why should they care? Whatever. Senorita Villa makes overtures of friendship or something these days. I don't know how to interpret that. It matters little now that I am a eunuch. Whatever. Argh. I took the dictionaries to LACAS and changed them for ones with the pages in order. I picked up a load of English books. The only exercise I got was a bike ride to Wilshire Hill and back. Rochelle went to class. I gave the baby some dinner and a bath. She's asleep in her crib now. Maybe I can finish Barleycorn tonight.


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