Saturday, November 13, 2021

6-29-00 Neon Clown Like the Outskirts of Tijuana

 #49 6-21-00 -

6-29-00 3:15 Th

I'm at Highland Grounds, sitting on a high stool at the bar, wondering if they have wine here? I've just come from riding the new Red Line extension to the Valley. It ends around Lankershim and Burbank. I remembered from going to see Shirelle's friend Joe a while back that there is a liquor store around there with a big neon clown sign that I wanted to photograph, and I had my camera. I guessed it might be on Burbank, and I rode my bike along Burbank. It looked like the outskirts of Tijuana. I found the sign and took its picture. Now I want to take one at night. And one in black and white in day and night. I finished the roll. Now I can drop off the film and see what pictures I took in Chicago. I rode my bike through the NoHo Art's District. They should change its name to the HoHum Art's district. I kept riding, looking for a place to stop and get something cold to drink and read the paper. I had been riding for an hour or so on the sidewalk going against traffic and no one wanted to see me until I stopped abruptly to avoid being rundown. Then they'd smile and wave. I'd smile back and flip 'em the bird. One fucker was on his cel phone, and I cut my knuckle when I had to stop short. I bled all over my shirt and newspaper. I finally found a cool place on Lankershim called the Universal Bar and Grill. They had air conditioning. It was just bright enough to read. The barmaid took good care of me. I was there three hours reading the newspaper. They put the Angel game on for me. I had to leave at quarter of three because you can't take you bike on the subway between three and seven. I rode it to the Highland/Hollywood Station. The one at Vine is the best. When I'm done with this, I'm going to hurry home to see John Rocker's reception at Shea.


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