Monday, October 04, 2021


6-20-00 Tu 11:15 AM

I don’t have any enthusiasm for this anymore. Grind it out, right? Whatever. I typed a third-person page after school with my Achilles tendon wrapped in a cold pack. I rode my bike to Pio Pico. Put on the Laker game while I taught my class. Deysi said the three women at her table loved me. I flushed and shrugged and said I loved them, too. Why are we only supposed to love one woman? I don’t get it. Whatever. After class, Cheryl, Kelly, and I stayed to watch the Lakers win the NBA championship. I rode home on my bike while the cars on Pico were all honking, and people came out to the sidewalks to shout. When I got home, Rochelle said she was worried because I was late. We talked about going out to celebrate with the rest of LA, but we just stayed in and watched the mob on TV attack limos, incinerate police cars, and overturn media vans. I didn’t feel like working on Jim, so I put a heating pad on my tendon and read Bukowski until about a quarter to twelve when I turned off the light. Anna haunted another dream. She was cuddling with Graniel. It seemed like they were in an airport lounge. A guy wanted to play darts with me. He was very happy when I assented. Turned out he was deaf. Then I woke up. It was morning. I showered. My back is all rashy. I ate some toaster pastry. Rode to work. Was late to the student award assembly. Read the paper. My leg’s feeling a little better. Went to lunch with Graniel and Gonzalez came with. I didn’t say anything to Graniel about the dream. We talked about the drawbacks to monogamy. Whatever. I have to write a thank you note to my cousin. Rochelle begins some class at Santa Monica College tonight. I’ll read more Bukowski next. My life seems very confining. Whatever. I’ve got to try and put a line to Jim. Ugh. The letter? I wrote down some page numbers of some notes that might be useful. Ugh. I have report cards to do. The register. Whatever. The Laker parade is tomorrow.


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