Tuesday, March 02, 2021

 3-30-00 Th 12:30 PM

Class.  I have chapped lips.  Or is it chafed?  Whatever.  Whatever.  I read Raymond Chandler's "Writers in Hollywood."  Excoriating.  I read it while I walked here this morning.  I had to walk because my bike has a flat.  I still have a couple more pages.  He said most of the writers suck and the few that don't are made to suck by the producers.  He said the producers don't allow the writer time to "experiment and eliminate."  "Experiment and eliminate" : I like the way that sounds.  That's the way to go about it.  Thanks, Ray.  Got a paper.  California's economy is expected to boom further in 2000 and 2001.  The Kings are one point from clinching a playoff spot.  The kids read their "How to Be an Artist" paragraphs and took their vocabulary tests.  Then we read about a children's book author and did a true/false test about her.  Corrected out math homework.  I ate solar-heated Thai leftovers for lunch.  The kids are doing a good job silent reading.  We've got to go to music in fifteen minutes.  Maybe we'll play basketball today.  Or play "Oregon Trail II."  Everything's coming back to normal.  I'm craving alcohol all day and lusting for Miss Senoritavilla.  I lust for her, but don't, can't imagine sex with her.  Cruel tricks of life. Whatever.  She's cold-hearted.  Rochelle loves me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snap out of it, fool!  Like to go to the pub tonight.  Do third person.  More about Jim's mom.  City of Quartz.  LACAS.  Jim.  Rochelle rented "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "Lawrence of Arabia."  She hasn't seen either.  Florelle came by at lunch.  I told her I'd sub for her on Saturday.  I have to call downtown about scoring the STEPS.  Tomorrow is payday.  I'll have to get a good night's sleep on Friday.  No game Sunday.  We're supposed to go to Placentia Saturday night.  Maybe we should sleep over.  I'll golf with John Sunday.  We haven't read much Harry Potter lately.  What else?  I want to drink.  I want to be rich and only work when I feel like it and only at what I feel like working on.  Yeah, right.  I dug my own grave.  The kids won't be quiet long enough to go down to music.  [blue ink line drawing of the fox from "The Fox and the Hound."] I say take out your social studies books.  A hush falls over the room.

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