Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 3-7-00 Tu 3:15 PM

I haven't gotten much done today.  I typed fifteen this morning.  It was cold.  Strummed a few minutes. Rode bike to work, got Times and La Opinion.  We worked on phonics and test-taking skills.  Read the paper at recess.  Stupid Tuesday. Then we corrected our math.  I ate a bagel with cream cheese.  Had an Individualized Education Plan meeting for Pablo.  He's not clinically retarded.  Not even educably retarded.  Whatever.  I made a 12:06 tee time for Saturday.  I scheduled conferences for next week.  Haven't read any Blake yet today.  Have to go see Phylicia about mailing my taxes.  Type a third person when I get home.  Work on Jim. Go teach night school.  Watch a movie tonight.  Do it all again tomorrow.  Got a meeting after school tomorrow.  If I go to eight of them, I'll get a salary point.  Fill out the web page application.  Should I call Jerry Robertson?  What else?  Cold and rainy today.                             "My eyes fix'd in happy copulation."  Dothon said, "The moment of desire!  The moment of desire!  The virgin that pines for man shall awaken her womb to enormous joys in the secret shadow of her chamber: the youth shut up from lustful joy shall forget to generate & an amorous image In the shadows of his curtains and in the folds of his silent pillow.  Are not these the places of religion?  The self-enjoyings of self-denial?  Why dost thou seek religion?  Is it because acts are not lovely that thou seekest solitude, Where the horrible darkness is impressed with reflections of desire?" [blue ink sketch of topless woman]                              I hope Phylicia is still there whenever it is I finish this drivel.                   Prison guards are paid more than teachers.    [blue ink sketch of character from Blake with caption 'Fire that end in endless strife']  What else?  Let's not just copy Blake for everything.  I wonder if Rochelle is cooking?  Maybe I'll save the tax chore with Phylicia for tomorrow now.  The sub who came to watch my class while I went to meetings was named Ms. Sakamoto. It's already almost four.  How is this taking so long?  I could go for a drink.  It is Fat Tuesday.  If there's no dinner, I'll have peanut butter and jelly.  Does that mean it's forty days 'til Good Friday?  I ripped a wart off with my fingernails during the meeting.  It bled.  It will be back before long.  OUT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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