Thursday, December 15, 2016

11:45 AM Tu 3-16-99
What about today?  It's light outside in the morning now.  My Shakespeare book is on my desk.  Antown wanted to know what book it is.  I said, "It's a book of plays written almost five hundred years ago by a guy named Shakespeare."
"Who's he?"
"Have you ever heard of "Romeo and Juliet?"
"He wrote it."
"Is that in there?"
I read them the balcony scene.  They ate it up.  Now they want to "do" Shakespeare.  I said maybe later because we had math to do.
I typed fifteen minutes this morning.  The air was a little chilly as I rode my bike to school.  I was pissed this morning because seven kids did not turn in their homework.  They had to write what they would do if they ran a circus.  You'd think it would have been fun.  Whatever.  Oh, well.  I went to Burger King for lunch.  I'm going to have to get back on that diet soon.  Maybe I can She lies so casually. lift some weights today.  I haven't done a third-person page for a while.  Today for sure.  Then I've got to e-mail Sean Manson and Steve Brittlecombe.  I should be able to slap a few more lines on Jim.  2:00  My last parent conference was showing off some tit.  I talked to five more parents today with one no-show.  I'm done now, but I'm not really supposed to leave for about another forty minutes.  I haven't seen a newspaper yet today.  I've got to go to the store and get toilet paper and water.  What else?  I went to bed early, but I feel like taking a nap.  I haven't read any "Twelfth Night" yet today.  I have to get to LACAS this week to get my attendance, chalk, and the tests.  Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. Should I take off work to get drunk? I don't have much left to teach.


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