Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Tu 1-5-99 2:48 PM
I walked up to K-Mart and bought a bike.  It cost only eighty-nine dollars.  I bought a fifteen-dollar lock, too.  Whoop-te-doo.  I don't really want to do this, but I don't know what else to do; "Nothing" was getting pretty old, so I guess I may as well fill these stupid-ass three pages with their stupid-ass boring nonsense.  I'm no Pepys.  Maybe I should read that stuff.  While I was riding my new bike down Third, I came to an old book shop.  A bunch of books in the window caught my eye:  An H.G. Wells Illustrated Common History of the World--20 Volumes--Each to Be Read in a Fortnight--I didn't even ask the price on that.  There was a first edition Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972 with a red, white and blue skull with swastika eyes on the jacket cover.  There was a book about mystic mushrooms, another about Josephine Baker with one of her topless Paris poses on the cover, a Timothy Leary bio--or was it Norman Lear--?  James Joyce's World was another.  I went in.  It smelled like cigarettes.  The old woman proprietress had a persistent cough.  I found A History of Mexico by a Parkes, which at $4.95 I couldn't resist.  I paid the lady and stuffed it in my backpack and rode to Border's.  I looked for Pinocchio, but I couldn't find one.  There was a collection of Robert Frost's first three books of poetry for only $5.99, so I bought that, too, and I found an Atkins carbohydrate counter and got that.  No I'm on the patio on Marie Callendar's by the Tar Pits.  I've got a cup of coffee and the waiter brought cornbread which I love and is, naturally off-the-charts high in carbohydrates.  I'm going to go to the salad bar.  I read Mohicans while I walked to K-Mart.  I have my new bike, but I can't read and ride the way I can read and walk.  While I was crossing Wilshire a horn honked.  It was Shirelle.  Funny.  Was it a sign?  I had walked up to Wilshire Hill with bated breath.  Would there be a black Honda parked near room 45?  The gates were open.  I felt a little dread in my stomach.  Room 45 came into view.  There was no black Honda.  I saw Lunchstein's Lexus, though, and was reminded of what a jackass I am.  Meg Ryan kept seeing "signs" which prompted her to leave her fiance for virtual stranger Tom Hanks on "Sleepless in Seattle" last night on TV.  It was sort of a punch in the stomach.  But what was that dread nearing Wilshire Hill and why did God put Shrill on Wilshire?



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