Thursday, October 09, 2014

8-15-98 Sa 9:18 PM
Mu house.  The Kirk chair.  Watching extra innings Pittsburgh at St. Louis to see if Mac puts one out.  Butt-hole's on my lap.  Uncle Chuck called.  Said to call Amtrak.  So I have to do that.  I have to call the pharmacist before I leave.  I took Butt-hole to Noonan's for $85 worth of BBQ and alcohol.  I blew a Chase game to the would-be actor/bartender.  The restaurant general manager gave us a couple of free drinks because Butt raved about the food and service.  The manager hung out talking to us.  I straightened out my desk, but I still didn't pay my bills.  I saw the Dodgers lose today.  That was funny.  What else?  I wish I had a pen.  I feel like writing with a pen.  I've got to get on the web and see about Amtrak.  I read some more Eliot poems.  They're okay.   What else?  I have to do my third- person page still.  Have to work on Jim.  I have to do my laundry before I bail. 
Shirelle went to bed.  The movie "First Kid" is on cable now.  I never did exercise today.  What else?  I was throwing darts at the spider on the wall today.  I just missed him and he fell six feet down the wall and managed to stop himself on the way down.  What else?  The round of my belly in the small of her back.  Now "Death and the Maiden" is on.  It's tedious.  Not as tedious as this, but tedious.  It's really just a movie for bondage freaks disguised as a political tract.  I'd like to smack the producers.  Ugh. I can always turn the channel. What else?  I don't think I'll get to Jim tonight.  What else?  The fan twirls on the ceiling.  Another wasted day.  UGH.  This movie is stupid.  How can I get to the bottom of this page?  WRITE BIG, RIGHT?  UGH.  UGH.  What else?  Why don't I just turn off the TV?  It's almost over now, though.  I'll probably just switch channels all around.  Inane movie.  I hate myself for the time I waste.  I hate the way I waste time. 



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