Saturday, April 26, 2014

[a pencil sketch of the old EZ chair my grandfather gave me] [a sketch in blue ink by D. Cay, aka the Derb, of a naked woman catlike, in repose, on a couch, one leg crossed over the other, the stars and moon large in backdrop and a comic punk of fierce eyes, spiked hair and fangs, female, African, and a logo for Balls Out Comiks]
Th 10:00 PM 6-18
Shirelle's white kitchen table we got at IKEA.  A bowl of bananas sits in still life on a placemat woven of blue and white threads.  Shirelle wonders if you can give a dog chicken bones.  She says she heard you're not supposed to, but that her family did all the time when she was growing up.  I was throwing darts at an earwig on the wall.  Today at school, Dijonia, Marlin, Johvonna, and Leticia piled into my car when as I leaving for lunch.  "We're going wit you," said Dijonia. 
"No, you're not," I said.  "Everybody out." 
Nobody budged. 
"I'm not kidding, you guys.  Out!" 
They laughed.  Modchill was coming out to his car.  I went over and talked to him and Elmer.  "What's up?" 
"How 'bout tomorrow?" 
Nattaz walked by.  "Acapulco tomorrow." He asked with a period. 
"Sounds good, " I said. 
"What about today?" Tim asked. 
I said, "I'm going  home and see how much beer I can drink before class tonight." 
Tim said, "I've got dope."
"Kay.  See ya there."  We both knew we were talking about my place.  Elmer was saying he was going to call in sick tomorrow.  I walked back to my car.  The kids were still sitting in there.  All right, I figured, I'll give them a little ride around the parking lot, but when I got in and started the engine, they all screamed and scrambled out of the car. 
They had helped me carry out my guitar.  Mr. Coane, the music teacher had the whole third grade in the auditorium.  He put on CDs and some of them came up to the front to dance but once they faced the audience, they were mostly embarrassed and hiding behind each other, except for a couple of girls who appeared to have futures in the strip club industry.
Shirelle's roommate, Christina, drove up to Yellowstone with Arkansas April.  Might have liked that.  On the way back they hit a deer.  Shirelle says they did a few grand in damage to April's dad's car, and now some bad blood has bubbled up over who should pay for the damages because the car is not insured.  April thinks Christina should pay for half, and Christina says April should have had insurance.  Shirelle's leveling the soil in an indoor potted plant I can't identify.  She had wanted me to pick up the movie "Nine Months" (Get it?), but by the time I got going tonight, I reasoned it was too late, and we'd be busy all weekend; so why not wait until Sunday or Monday to get it and not get stuck with late fees?  She seemed understanding about it for now, but you never know, she may snap over it at some random later time.


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