Friday, April 18, 2014

Nothing of Value to Say

6-11-98 Th 10:30 AM
The kids don't care to listen.  I don't care to teach.  What came first, the chicken or the egg?  Ugh.  Nothing of value to say.  Strict reportage.  Just the facts, Ma'am.  We've got a softball game today.  Fifth graders against teachers.  I'll have to run home at lunch and put on some rubber soles.  What else?  I have to teach tonight.  I guess I have to take Shrill out cuz it's our "anniversary".  I don't know what to do.  I just spent a hundred bucks on dinner at Stinking Rose last Saturday.  She wants a ring, etc., etc..  I continue on, though the issue of fairness is not resolved.  I read about Sinatra in the New York Review of Books, and also an article debunking the alien-abduction rage as pure business.  Read the sports page at breakfast.  Going to try to knock off another twenty-five pages of Augie March.  Drizzle drizzle.       This pencil's pretty short.  It's less than ten centimeters long.  We're doing a chapter on the metric system in our math books.  What else?  4:31 PM Good afternoon.  4:40 PM Got to leave for work in under and hour.  For a while this afternoon it seemed like I had a wealth of time.  Naturally I squandered it.  I'm wearing the USA BASEBALL Olympics workout short my brother got from Fick who was invited to tryout for the national team.  Our softball game today was drizzled out.  There's nowhere good to play at that school anyway.  It's been rescheduled for Monday.  Ron Wilson, the deposed Anaheim Ducks coach, has led the Washington Capitals to the Stanley Cup Finals in his first year with them.  Corporate sports suck.  I ate two PB&Js today.  Some mad classical piano today.  Got the Writer's Program Quarterly open, as well as The Adventures of Augie March (p. 187); that NY Review of Books is open to an ad by UC Press for American Icons. 
Is this the third page yet?  I've drunk two beers today, from the gift pack Kristen Czech gave to me at the BBQ.  I puffed a little, too.  Ten to five.  I'm prepping my adult ed class for a test next week.  After work, I have to call Shirelle.  Should I wait to eat?



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