Wednesday, October 23, 2013

[A pencil drawing of the shield of Cosgrove, my maternal grandmother's maiden name, with three vertical bars, rounded nearly to a point on the bottoms, like the inversed archways into dark tunnels, and of Eaton, my mother's maiden name, with a diagonal banner with three Xs from northwest to southeast upon it, and the extremity of each each X crossed with a short perpendicular line]
3-23-98 M 12:30 PM
Two hours to kill.  We'll go outside for some basketball today.  After school I'll walk up to Wilshire and register my car.  Maybe I'll check to see if Heather Hong will sell me that print that I want.  Maybe I'll check out The Tales Bookshop or Il Literature.  Maybe I'll have a glass of wine at Rita Flora.  I'm supposed to meet Shirelle at 5:15 tonight to go to this Oscar party.  When will I work on Jim?  When will I paint?  When will I practice my guitar?  What else?  I sat with Kelly at Tam's.  She left rather abruptly.  I wonder if I offended her.  I thought we wanted to do each other, but maybe I'm wrong.  I need to call Kim Booshay.  I saw Gabi Naranja in the teacher's lounge, but I didn't say anything.  I started reading Herzog.  Sounds like his wife is a bitch.  What else?  This is a number three pencil.  My wrist hurts.  I'm bored.  I'm tired.  I switched to a number two pencil.  I could go for a smoke.  I'm doomed anyway.  What else?  I'm a lousy teacher.  I forgot my tax info.  I'll not use any time for the newspaper today.  Ugh.  I'm barely halfway through this.  Shrieks of medieval battle are heard from the playground outside.  I need a nap.  The kids are turning their eyelids inside out.  We did a Scoring High prep test for the Stanford 9 state test.  I have to update my ELD records.  What else?  Maybe

[a pencil-drawn reproduction of a logo for MOUNTAIN GROWN COFFEE with a silhouette of a mountain and rays emanating from behind it and white bands flowing down its side representing snow, perhaps] I'll take home some tempura paints.  Still more than a page to go.  Would Hegel have this much trouble filling a page? 

[a rough pencil sketch of a woman with short hair, wide nose, dangling flower earring, high collar, three buttons, maybe Chase] What else?  What else?  Next Friday we get paid.  Chase Ambler is eight years old.  She keeps saying she hates her life. 
Fifty-five minutes more 'til I can get out of here. 

[pencil drawing of the Lorax]
What else?  What else?  "What number you on?"  "I'm silly."  "Oh, Mr. Zurn, I just thought of something.  I want to take a part of the country where there's nothing and call it "Cheese."  A country called "Cheese."  All the houses would be made of cheese!" 
I said, God forgive me, "Chase, that's why you're not done, because you spend too much time thinking up goofy thoughts like that."  God forgive me. 



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