Wednesday, December 26, 2012

In the Ear

Mon. 9-8 10:43 AM
Three girls he loves, but only one he fucks is a whore.  Mary, Sam, Tink.  Tink gets into crack trouble in Vegas.  Wants $ from Jim.  I'll do a list of Spanish and English words.  One word for each student in the class.  We'll discuss word origins and roots and how to identify them.  Put out a bunch of different dictionaries.  Lead on a few and leave the rest for individual groups to research and report back to the larger group.  I read the essay "Slouching Toward Bethlehem".  Didion makes it all sound pretty lame.  It probably was.  Should "lame" be a featured word in Jim?  Is Sam/Tiff really a writer?  She's not Tink.  Jim's mom left him and his father for a rich man and had Tink?  His half-sister?  Don't get too excited, cuz they'll never have sex with each other, ya perv.  She may go down darker paths than Jim can see by.  Jim is dim enough as it is, he might realize.  I ate a microwave Swedish meatball family pack for four.  "Smoking is disgusting," she might say.    It's time to go to bed.  I drank cold latte from a can at class.  I took a picture of the shadow of my hand, Kong-size on the window shade.  I tried to focus on a flip-off middle finger shadow, but it didn't look right.  A pubic hair curls out of the nail on my right ring finger as I write this.  I pulled it out and let it fall to the floor.  A little moth landed on the flab of my nipple.  I flicked it off.  Shirelle came over to sleep.  She's working in Santa Clarita at six tomorrow morning.  What else?  Cereal for breakfast tomorrow.  Skip lunch.  Pasta dinner.  Dodgers lost.  I'm getting tired.  I've been working on these three pages for over an hour now.  I fucked with the camera a while in there.  Tracy and Sharon and I were talking in the parking lot after school tonight.  Demona's frank discussion of sex:  "After six years together, I don't know, you'd let him fuck you in your ear if it was big enough."  She hung out her tongue and let her face go stupid and bobbed her head left and right imitating what it would be like to get fucked in the ear.  Marv Albert might have been discussed.  She said I should write a book about them.  They should just videotape each other.  I couldn't say much yesterday.  Crap.  It's midnight now. 


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