Monday, March 26, 2012

Alaska Airlines

June 27 3:10 PM F
Alaska Airlines flight 512. Bound for Portland, then Los Angeles, but still on the ground in Spokane. The plane is full of beautiful young women, and I'm trapped between fifty-year-old, management-level insurance geeks who just discovered they already know each other over the phone. My daddy showed me around Spokane. Pretty town. We took some pictures of Spokane Falls with the Washington Power building above. We're taxiing up the runway now. Shirelle's going to pick me up. I'm looking forward to seeing her. Insurance guys are talking about go-getters and guys they wanted to get rid of during the cutbacks in the eighties. I feel like I've done this before, flown out of a pine-tree-lined runway--I remember: Bangor, Maine, when I was fifteen, customs, coming back from a sulky Europe trip. We're picking up speed now. Pulls the stomach. The nose is up. We're off! God bless us all. Hot wheels on the ground. Model train valley. Shadows of the clouds. Green as far as the eye can see. Clouds below. Puddles abound. Defies God. Nuns aboard--stern young lady. Flight! Still going up. Patchwork crop quilt. No cocktails until after we take off from Portland. My fingers hurt. Twenty-eight thousand feet. The Columbia River. The wrinkled flood plain. Far-away shriek of child over airplane noise. Mt. St. Helens shoulders snow above the clouds. Diving back down through the clouds, white-blind beside Mt. Hood. Wish I had film. We're on the ground. Landed alongside the Columbia. The insurance man is a deerhunter/fisherman--"thins herds". What else? He won't shut up. Nothing to think about but every story the insurance man has got. Ugh. Shall I shroom tonight? I've got to call G-ma and G-pa, Chronos, buy Ball gift. Grand Cyn to pack for. Got to crap in the lavatory. Thank God the insurance geeks are bailing out in Portland. Seat a honey here.


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