Tuesday, December 06, 2011

6-17 Tu 12:35 PM
Time to finish another book. I'm at the McDonalds on Van Nuys in Pacoima. I just chowed a Number Four: Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, fries and and iced tea. The cashier gave me a cup full of mayo to dip my fries. I'm subbing for Sunseri who's out now because she has Alzheimer's. After school, I'll stop at Larchmont and pick up my asthma medicine. Maybe I'll drive down Cahuenga and stop by the pot shop. I'll type and go to class and type some more. Maybe I'll rent some videos at Blockbuster. I have to sub again tomorrow. I have to call Amtrak. Actually I have to decide if I want to spend the night in Portland or not. A guy is wearing a t-shirt that says in Biblical-style script: Blessed are the losers, for they determine the winners.
 I've already read the newspaper, but I haven't finished the crossword. I took from the shelf Annie Proulx's THE SHIPPING NEWS, Wallace Stevens's THE NECESSARY ANGEL, and a book by a woman named Bonnie Friedmann called WRITING THROUGH DARK. I read a chapter about "writer's envy", which I don't think I suffer from acutely, though I may bemoan my lack of progress compared to that of other writer's who've had success. Like I told Sharon that I was jealous that she was able to write, produce, and direct her own feature film. I envy her organizational skills. Organization is probably my biggest weakness. Ms. Friedmann says the only antidote to envy is to keep working. Does this count?
 It's ten to one. I better go and finish this at school. I picked up some free Hercules posters to give to the kids with the most stars. Nothing like Disney promotional giveaways to bribe good behavior from children. This might be the longest it's ever taken me to finish one of these journals. I'm letting the kids watch "Space Jam". Tonight the Dodgers and Angels play. What else? Julia said not to squander my talent. What else? I can't think with this movie on. I should have taken the kids out for P.E. What else? THERE'S A NIGHTMARE IN MY CLOSET by Mercer Mayer. It was in Spanish. Michael Jordan wins again. What else? What else? All this kid chatter--More bats in the belfry. I drove to school with the top down on the Chrysler on the way to work this morning. I had to buy a hairbrush at the liquor store where I buy my newspaper. I told Principa Cicada about my interview.


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