Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Myth of Moral Decline

Friday January 10
I am in Cudahy, a city I never knew existed. We're doing a workshop on incorporating games involving body movement to promote language-understanding and social cooperation. We did this knotting up game where you join hands at the center of a group and try to untie yourself without letting go hands. I knotted up with a finely shaped Latina name Mathilde in such a manner as to stir the penis.
Now we're out on the yard watching a grad student give a lesson to a group of students. They have towels and balls. A simple lesson, but the kids seem to enjoy it. I'm falling asleep. If I write I'll stay awake. We went to Sizzler for lunch, but I didn't eat because I had eaten two homemade burritos during the break. The burritos were for sale to raise money for a student trip to Washington D.C.. I'll have to pick up my prescription at Larchmont and rent a couple movies tonight. Get high, read and write. Last night, Getoff and I saw a few bands at the Troubador. It was mostly uneventful and unremarkable.
I'm home now at the desk; radio, TV, Mac: on. Took a wee rip. Gonna make a Garden Burger. Read the foreward by Saul Bellow to The Closing of the American Mind which Getoff said was a must. I don't know if I accept the premise that America is in moral decline. I think morality is unquantifiable and if it could be measured, you would see that morality and immorality have been about equally balanced from the beginning. Talk of moral decline is a way for holier-than-thou types to reassure themselves of their moral superiority. Actually, look at the the history of man. Has he ever been more moral than now? Slavery has been abolished. Genocide is frowned upon. When was it more moral? In the fifties, when blacks rode the back of the bus and weren't allowed to vote? Is this the better moral period we have declined from? To say that university professors close minds in ridiculous, unless you believe the only people that get into universities believe everything they're told and the only people telling are the professors. If anything the amount of competing opinions people are exposed to today makes it even more difficult to make up one's mind, let alone "close it". I suppose the moral decline camp liked it better when young people had only their parents to believe.
My mom called. We lamented the lack of freedom on the freeways. The fifteen minutes are waiting. Lisette said that I was nice. I am nice. But not always. Am I really hungry? I ate two homemade burritos. I was dumb today. Soul coughing. Sky dimming. Smashing Pumpkins. The Four Seasons turned inside the Windstar MiniVan via Vivaldi. I got a Dodger ticket magazine in the mail today. I thought my transcripts were in a manila envelope that came, but it was information to be in something called the Chevron Club. Petroleum rip-off. What are you thinking about?


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