Monday, July 06, 2009

Wednesday Nov. 27
The alarm went on. I shut it off and went back to sleep. Shirelle was hassin' me for sex. I gave her a lackluster few minutes before I rolled off limp wihout coming and went back to sleep. We watched them carve turkeys on Good Morning America when we woke up again. She bitched me down to the market to buy dish soap and toilet paper and laundry detergent and stamps. Then I had to sit at the laundromat with her and fold clothes. On the way home we picked up some beer at the liquor store and a chicken sandwich and fries from Burger King. I slept through meeting my brother for golf. He said my stepmother sent him the recipe for peanut stuffing. Shirelle's friend Dimona called. We're going to meet her up at El Coyote. I feel out of place with those people. They all talk so freely and have families to rely on. They are responsible for little. I read more of This Side of Paradise today. Amory seems to be losing his vanity, going through a process of maturity that I remember going through and still suffer from now. His belief in his destiny of greatness depresses me. It is like my own belief, but in comparison to Fitzgerald, mine is, of course, unrealized. I haven't smoked today. I don't breathe well at all lately. I'm working at Sharp on Monday. Leo Politi called about a long term job, but I told them I already had one. Pepper left a message. I called him. He was on the other line. He'll call me back later. That about covers it. Now what do I say? My life is a bore? Mundane? Meaningless? Without revelation or epipaphany. I'm a dilettante. We're taking care of Christina's little dog Puck while she is home in Missouri for the holidays. She and Dionte came over to drop him off last night. I managed a football conversation. Shirelle just called from the other room, " John, we have to go!" I think Pepper wants to come. I could go for a new kind of drink tonight. What would be good? What else? We're running late. Who cares? God give me social skills tonight and something intelligent to say and a little revered leadership.


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