Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday November 22
At Leo Politi Elemantary, I'm close enough to downtown LA's "skyscrapers I could hit the top of library tower with a rock, but I would have to listen for impact because the clouds are so wet and low today. The school is ringed by the tall, slender palms ubiqitous but not native to Southern California. Through the classroon door I can see KoreaTown strip mall billiards joints.
Home now. A Mrs. Rodriguez called me on the phone in the classroom to say that even though class was letting out at two o nine for parent conferences, I was to stay until two fifty and monitor the children on the yard. From my shoes I was working an extra hour without pay to do a Teacher's Assistant's job. We teachers get dicked around enough without some fucking AP bitch trying to pull her chickenshit rank on me. I stayed until about two thirty and then the bail button got pressed. I don't feel right about it either way.
My younger sister K-Mart got caught shoplifting at Nordstrom's Department store last night.
I've got nothing to say today. I'll add ten pages to Jim Crack, switch shit no matter what, by Monday afternoon. I'm subbing Monday and Tuesday for Kumaus. I don't know who else. Tomorrow I need to do a community service. Jeff is expecting me to do out with him tonight. I said I would. Shirelle wants me to have dinner with her. My work needs work. The Thing's on his way expectin' we'll watch the "Bottle Rocket" video which is due back to Blockbuster tonight.
In one week I got a ticket for running a red light in New Jersey, speeding in Illinois, and speeding in New Mexico. I also got pulled over a week earlier for making a right turn at a red light driving intoxicated in New York City, but they just told me to park and get some breakfast before I drove anymore. A month before that, I got yanked driving hammered in Maine and let go. Plus I got one in Oregon and of course God only knows now how many I've gotten in California.
The Insanity Pepper is blabbing on about the way strippers snub him now that he doesn't buy table dances.   He doesn't feel like a celebrity anymore. The girls are all different now. Lana is the only girl who gives him a hard-on at the Goose. She tells him she doesn't want him in there, that he should save his money and buy some new clothes. I still have to write the crime story.


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