Tuesday, June 02, 2009

That's Huge

Wednesday November 20
This must be the most boring book I've done so far. I'm taking a crap while I write this in the bathroom here at Keniston. I subbed today for Alison Scheins' class. It was good because she has a student teacher who handled everything, and I read the paper and more of Amory's time at St. Regis's and his early days as a freshman at Princeton. He is conceited but not arrogant.
I would have liked to have finished this writing here for today, but I forgot pack this book in my bag. I'm going to put a page and a half onto Crack tonight and write seven first lines and work on the convince-a-crime story and type up critiques for Kevin and Laura. Check my E-mail. Smoke dope. Tread mill. Watch the Kings and Florida and the Lakers and Utah. Maybe rent a movie. I'm not scheduled to work tomorrow. If it doesn't rain, I'll definitely do another community service. I'm about ready to wipe now. Back at my desk now, holding my breath. I'll put on a little music when I'm through with this. I'd like to switch doctors while the open enrollment period lasts. There are only four more days, but I don't know that I'm concerned enough. I feel like a little wine. I've got a little salad and some fetuccini alfredo and a slice of bread in the fridge.
I'm going to have to start working on getting my school on the net. We need lockdowns on the computers. How do we get the cable? I wonder if Peach uses that modem I gave him. I should bring that to school. Hook up the computer in the coordinator's office. Just run a phone line through it and see what happens. I guess I could just bring the AOL software.
I wrote a long story about what I called the trick the coyotes played on us in Baja. I like to call it that. I liked writing it, too. I like that I liked it without having to try. The people on Thursday want to know how everything is put together. I'm so bummed my bike got stolen off the porch. Some chaincutters got it. The things you could do with a pair of chaincutters...There's a title for that thing tomorrow for Roberge disciples. Fitzgerald talks abou the difference between slicksters and Big Men. You might add hucksters. What the heaven else is there? Pink rose stamps. Roses smell so clean; soft and cool they feel. The colors--what causes the color of a rose? Not genetically-- I mean why does it reflect back different frequencies of the light spectrum? That's huge. I ate a turkey sandwich and a salad and an apple from the cafeteria in the teacher's lounge today. I haven't written left-handed for a while.


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