Friday, June 20, 2008

Two Little Squares of Paper

Wednesday September 11
Thursday September 12
Colby the German shepard is napping in the shade of the garage. A weedwacker drones. While looking for matches in the desk drawer last night, I found two little squares of paper...!? I phoned Mary at work and said I wouldn't be able to make it because my car was sick. "I thought my girlfriend wcould give me a ride, but she has to go to work now." A little yellow card lying in the driveway advertised thirty-nine dollar tune-ups at a place two blocks west of La Brea. I had decided not to take it back to Quino's since I believe they had messed it up in the first place getting it to pass smog. The mechanic at the place west of La Brea was out to lunch when I arrived. When he got back he asked if my truck was an 86. It is. "I have same car," he said. He conferred in Russian with another guy who was up to his elbows in grease. "It have exhaust leak. Give me tree hours and I find out why problem of acceleration." He repeated that he bought the exact same truck. He seemed enthused about it. I believed him. It seemed like more than salesmanship. We'll see how the car comes back. $35 per hour X 3 hr. I expect it's going to turn out be around 300, when it's all said and done. I just hope they fix it up. GM sent me a new credit card with a higher limit. They're worried because I haven't used it in 6 months. ("Each girl gets her own card," said the slickster. ~~~Something else entirely.) I feel like drinkin this kind of off day and walkin around like a bum. I need the exercise.
I'm wandering around the house in an aimless acid stupor with a cigarette listening to recordings from a few weeks ago. Peachtree and I on the way to a BBQ talking AA meetings; GIP and Thing and I ate the Foothill in Long Beach to see Andrew's band. ONE FUCKING PAGE TODAY. I'm going to walk to the liquor store first, though, and get some beer. My pants got themselves on cuz that's what they wanted to do. Pencil-tip-smashing energy~~~Dreams of UCI where my fate was sealed~~~I wonder if this vitamin A is inhibited by true vitamins
Just like that the bubble is burst
Can't start that til I finish this, though.
I can't think when my hair needs cutting.
----SHAVED it! Just shaved it all off now. Gone! Bald!
Man I've been lagging on the 3 pages. You want to be careful about the kind of voice you create in a journal--you want it to have personality, but
you don't want to become pigeon-holed.


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