Monday, March 10, 2008


Tuesday August 13
Need to call Peachtree about leaving to fish the 15th. They nominated me for a UTLA Leadership Council position after the faculty meeting today. Fuji Rosarito came by to visit my class and observe a lesson on estimation. The kids were all whacked out cuz they got to build stuff with interlocking cubes. I went hoarse trying to get them to listen.
Last night Shirelle was all itchy, shaking up my Richter scale, and sirens were blaring, and the helicopter was fucking around overhead, all about 2:30 AM, and I never got back to sleep. I wrote the first paragraph of my homework assignment. Read the paper around 4. Got ready for school and ate breakfast at IHOP. If that wasn't nasty enough, I went to McDonald's for lunch. Well, there's a little serendipity. I "wound up" parking way the hell across campus so that I could cruise (got the college talk going) over to Ackerman Hall and pick up an extension catalog for fall, butt he construction and my relative unfamiliarity with the campus nudged me at odd angles until I guessed there was no time left, and I was closer to Public Policy anyway, so I just walked up there, guessing I would not be getting the catalogs today, and I arrived just as the instructors Harry Youtt and Judith Praeger were arriving. We walked the last hundred yards to the class together. Judith stopped me at the door, under the impression that I am too harsh a critic of myself and would find more fullfillment if I let go. Maybe. On the other hand, I've let go quite a bit over-often, no? But I did think of my dad. Judith released my elbow. I said, "I'm happy with what I write, but at the moment, I'm more curious what's wrong with my writing."
When we got into the room there was a mysterious package on the table. Judith said, "Uh-oh, a missive from above?" You wonder these days whether or not it's even a good idea to open a package like that at a university.
She opened it.
There were the catalogs. Bah da bing!

I discovered later that I had walked all the way across UCLA with my fly down.


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