Saturday, March 08, 2008

Monday August 12
I got up at five thirty this morning. Shaved and showered in the still dark, ate some bran with raisins and dates, took my vitamin, pecked Shell's cheek and drove off to school. I thought I'd get a lot done before school, but I only read the headlines and the sports page. Still before the end of the day, I changed the bulletin board, counted the trip slips and moved that computer from room 37 into mine. The kids interviewed each other and wrote in the 3rd person, past tense, what their partner did. So many of them wanted to read, they ran into recess. We placed "Close to 100" for math. I went to the Partners in Education (PIE) meeting after school and to the Technology Task Force meeting after that which was a clusterfuck. The traffic sucked on the way home. The signal was out at Hollywood and Highland. I had to get gas and waited at a few different lights through multiple cycles before I was able to get past Hollywood. Shirelle made salmon, and broccoli with ricotta cheese, and roasted potatoes. I've got to go to an AA meeting at the Log Cabin tonight. I've packed a bowl. Do I dare go high? Will I be creative or paranoid. I've got a coupon for 3 dollars off at Blockbuster music. I'm going to buy Lyle Lovett's "Road to Ensenada" on the way to AA.
I did 27 minutes of treadmill while I read over some paper and gabbed with my mom, who was told by Kristin that I wondered allowed what her father would think if she and I went out.
Funny commercials on during the Dodger game.   Should I tell about them? "Somewhere beyond the sea..." the old song plays as three college-age alkies enjoy cold Miller Lites on some exotic tropical beach, and three busty, beautiful babes walk by in slow motion. One guy giggles spit helplessly at the sight of them, and then slams his beer down on the arm of his beach chair and rewinds the women.
What was the other?
My guitar's awk ockward ward. DeShields shoulda made that play. Worrell's in the bullpen now. I need to visit that Ackerman place at UCLA and see about fall extension classes.


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