Saturday, October 06, 2007

God Seemed a Little Immature

Mon. June 3

Holy crap, I have not been writing much. When I got home from the museum Thursday I was wipedout tired, and I snored and drooled on the couch and I don't remember that night, but I didn't do shit, I can safely say. Friday I had to go to that faggoty class where I never even finished the newspaper. When I got home, Shirelle wanted me to go with her to Dina's, but I was tired and had class at 8am the next morning, so I didn't go. Godam I'm boring. After that faggoty class on Saturday, I drove over to Mike's. He and Ramone were unloading Ramone's BBQ. We played Wiffleball around the pool for a while, then they went to the store and I came home and napped through the Dodger game. Around 4 we fired up Shell's Mustang and stopped off at Swamp Thing's boss's house so he could water her plants and bring in her mail, then we sped out to Reseda and partied in celebration of Mike's graduation. Bernie came back with us that night. I puked up my Jaegermeister. We had brunch in Marina Del Rey at Shanghai Red's. Came home and watched the end of the Dodger game. Shell, Swamp Thing and Bernie went to the beach. Walcha showed up. Then Stevo showed up. We hung out. Stevo left. Geoff and I went to Borders and I bought some CDROMS and An American Comedy and a tape that I wish I hadn't have bought.
So what a waste of a weekend. Even now I'm only writing in the most cursory way. I'm just glossing. Been reading Numbers, maybe the most boring book in the Bible. God's requirements of his people. God seemed a little immature at first.
Dreams of Lori S. again. Not gonna go to the 10 year reunion. What else? I feel guitly that I'm only writing whatever crap in here just so I can be done with this.
Maybe I should have a smoke, fire my imaginiation, get me some satisfaction. yeah, yeah, yeah
I smell chicken. Bock bock balk
Watched that movie "Friday" last night with Ice Cube. So what. Reactivated my internet account. I don't care bout nothing today. Timothy Leary died. whup te do. Talked to my grandparents today all of e'm.
So what
muffhugger buttkisser poopie ca ca doo doo call Keith, Jean piss off hiney booger snot crap Time's up! Adios sayanora ciao arrivaderci aloha adieu hasta la pasta see ya


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