Saturday, October 27, 2007


Fri. June 7
No school today. No rudder today. No destination. No nothing. I'm depressed. I don't know why.
In ho
No one else has done that.
Haven't been under sunlight in over
Branch Davidianism - on PBS. Dodgers losing 6-1 in the seventh to Cards.
I seem to be skipping my Wednesday night softball game. Am I letting the team down? This seems like such a monumental decision. I called my brother. Asked if they had enough guys. He said the could probably cover me but then he told me to change my last name and called me a fag.
Jim blackballed from a frat? gives him an age.
Need to keep going. The constant urge to bail
the bail button pressed. Slang originates in prison look up bail. Sad feeling how escape
The evangelist on the radio while waiting in the desert for help...


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