Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Cricket

1-23-96 Tues.

Too much plaid will warp people's perception of you; the criss-crossed lines confuse the neuro-receptors; the person you think you are transmitting will not be the person that reaches the senses of others.

Usin' the old Paper(logo of two hearts, one atop the other)Mate FLEXGRIP Retractable, a pen Made in Japan. Seems to write smoothly enough, but my teeth started aching and a cricket jumped over my left shoulder from out of that place behind me. Really--I'm sitting here at the desk and that cricket must have jumped four or five feet from the floor over my shoulder to land here on the desk right in front of me.
I eek!ed
He hoped around--and hopped around, too,--and I tried to catch him in a glad bag, but he hopped down between the desk and the wall where he is presumably hiding out.
My teeth stopped aching, but I'll still brush vigorously when I'm done here. Now I'm having one of those painful belching sessions that always goes along with these aching teeth, where for a half hour or more I have to burp repeatedly to relieve the pressure on my heart.
There's an Italian cook on TV. It looks fun. Why don't I cook anymore? I've been a cook at Barro's, at Brandywine Commons, at Mutt Lynch's. Humm
I won a free hour of America Online for coming in fifth in North America in the Prime Time competition of the National Trivia Network.
Clinton is going to give his State of the Union Address tonight. I bet a lot of people will be talking about it online. ~~~~~~~~
It was a good speech.
Shirelle just offered me a fruitcup. Pineapple chunks, peach pieces, and oranges with whipped cream!
Someone's cooking broccoli somewhere. I haven't taken my walk yet tonight. What else? Still have those two envelopes. Still need to arrange to take that fuckin BCLAD. Still need to figure out where I'll work next year--Looks like I'll be able to stay at Sharp if I want. If I want.
Today at school we read The Elephant Sneezed and El Burrito Azul.
Gimme somethin' to write on man. Ms Bacchus keeps inviting me to Cabo and Rio, etc.
Where's been Marietti? Why didn't I call Cathy? Will Shell ever deepen? UghAghIckAgh Frigariggershicken Bob Dole was so antiquated. It hasn't even been a year since I wrecked my car. I need to do an Artist's Way exercise. Eeep op Orp Ah ah. I wish I had a treadmill. I wish I was smarter. I wish I had more time. I wish I wish I may I wish I might


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