Tuesday, April 04, 2006

An Earful From Mr. Zurn


I'm in this intern class. The teacher ain't half-bad; piquing my, uh, curiousity, she is. We're supposed to write about discipline management in classrooms. My main tool for discipline and management is my voice and its various decibels and tones. That and the good old Happy Face/Sad Face on the board, where I write the students' names and they can earn stars toward rewards and checks for consequences. The rewards are typically privileges like lining up first, or pencils, posters, kind words, etc Consequences involve lost recess, writing sentences, notes home, or worst of all, an earful from Mr. Zurn. I try to maintain a friendly environment where the children are comfortable, where their work is displayed, and where seldom is heard a discouraging word~~~~~~


Ok. Here we go again. Ugh. Watching the '95 edition of SC vs. Notre Dame. The Trojans do not look well. They're not grasping with their tackles, the defense is flying all over the field and bouncing off the Irish ball carriers. Robinson is being completely out-coached by granny Holtz.~~~~


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