Friday, December 23, 2005

Party in Malibu

Sept. 4 Labor Day 1995
I didn't do this in the morning like I'm supposed to, so these aren't "morning pages;" they're evening pages. I hope this doesn't throw things off too much. Tomorrow morning I'll only have my sleep to speak of. Maybe not. I could just pretend that it's morning right now and not write about anything that happened today, then I'll have today's transpirations to write about tomorrow. Yesterday after I did my three pages, I read the newspaper and watched some NFL. It's the first week of the season. Then Shirelle and I drove over to Larchmont to pick up my prescription and had some omelets on the sidewalk at the Garden Cafe. The omelets were good and big. It was hot out already, even under the umbrella. I read some more of the paper while we ate, and dutifully cleaned my plate even after I was full. We had juice and water and iced coffee, too. Back home, Shrill left. The Guatemalan Insanity Pepper's friend Danny was visiting him. I bet GIP ten bucks the Chicago Bears would beat the Minnesota Vikings, and they did. We belittled each other's choices and incompetence in sports knowledge, and I laughed that the Angels were getting spanked by the Yankees, cuz the Angels are his team. Upstairs, I pulled the EZ chair up to my desk and put the Expos/Dodgers on the radio and the Raiders/Chargers on the TV and a Tom Waits CD in the stereo, and I turned on the computer and grabbed the remote and sat down to finish reading the newspaper. After a while I took downstairs a big bomb J I had rolled, and Danny and I smoked it. It changed my voice, heightened its pitch, a naive sound, the sound of a boy afraid of his father. I went upstairs again and started the crossword puzzle. I called Thing "Calendar Boy" because he always reads, religiously, the Calendar section of the Times, the section that's about art and entertainment. I wanted that section because that's the one with the crossword, but he was taking it to the park. It's his subscription, but he handed it over saying he had plenty of other stuff to read. I pretty much burned the afternoon away. The Dodgers, Bears, and Raiders all won. Rah. I've been feeling so sapped lately. Maybe it's the heat. I couldn't just laze away the entire three-day weekend. Peak Saturday. Had to get out. Called mom's to see what Bernie was up to. She wasn't home. Talked to Mardi. She was miffed I didn't want to come to Orange County. GIP and I batted around the idea of going to Disneyland. We even went so far as to "get ready," but we didn't go. Then Getoff called with directions to a party in Malibu. GIP didn't want to go, so I drove out alone. It was a nice drive. I pulled into a liquor store on PCH and got a bottle of 101 proof Wild Turkey and a sixer of Humpback Beer. "Thar She Blows," the label proudly proclaims. The directions led to a Mediterranean palace at Broad Beach, with its own private access to the shore. We partied around the pool, the waves crashing a few yards away. Shot some eight ball. Everybody was rich but me. We played a lot of music. I didn't talk to anyone. I got restless and wanted to bail, but Getoff hid my bag so I wouldn't leave. "Dude, these chicks all want you," he lied. I moped around until he gave me my bag, and I sneaked off.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

What It Was Was It Was Degrading to Men

Sept. 3, 1995
I did yesterday's pages in my "regular" journal while I was on the boat. We had to be at the marina in San Pedro by six, and that was too early to write these pages in the morning like I'm supposed to. I've been feeling run-down and burned out. I had a hard time breathing last night. Even after blasting my lungs with medicine and soaking them in water, I'm still impeded on the exhale. I better go to Payless Pharmacy in Larchmont Village today, maybe I can read the paper on the sidewalk in front of one of the cafes while I wait for more medicine. Today is the start of the 95-96 NFL season. "Woo Whoo," I say half-enthusiastically and half-sarcastically. Last night after watching the Dodgers suck out another loss, Thing got home from his BBQ, and he and Shrill and the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper and I watched "Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia." It was typically gritty Peckinpah; Shirelle left off to bed early because, she said, it was degrading to women. I think the main theme set out to underscore the differences between men and women. In this context, yes, women were victimized to some extent (not exactly degraded), but in such a way as to present more the violent depravity of men and their lack of concern for love or compassion. Women on the other hand, were portrayed as compassionate and loving. So, what it was, was that it was degrading to men.
It came out later in the evening that the GIP had spent a hundred and sixty dollars the other night to spend two hours with a Hollywood crack whore. He's living with his parents and never has any money to do anything, because he's such a fuckhead he can't manage his sexual impulses nor his money, nor his attempts to win over a woman by paying them indirectly, like most us do. I don't know why it pisses me off. It's none of my business, except that we're supposed to be friends, and I'm afraid what he's doing is dangerous. I said, "Why can't you just jack off like the rest of us?" and he said, "I'm too good for that." What a fuckin loser. So it's Labor Day and I don't have any plans at all. Maybe I should go see my dad and his wife. Three pages to to write. Three pages. I just want to finish them so I can read the Sunday Times. I got no Taos Mountain to inspire me, like some people. UCLA beat Miami yesterday in their opener at the Rose Bowl. Hah. A clear case of good triumphing over evil. I dreamt of Lori Sunnyfield last night, I'm just remembering. I awoke with a palpable sense of loss.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Fool in Angel City


Bear with me (Hear him growling? Me neither, but it's true). It'll get better. I swear. And worse. I can't pinpoint the beginning, but I can start near the beginning and go back in time if I need to. That's write--er, right, that is: GO BACK IN TIME. No machine necessary. Whatever. Here we go. Bear with me.

Sept. 1, 1995

Could Yankee Stadium be harder to play in?

OK, I picked up this Artist's Way Creative Recovery Program at the urging of my friend Getoff and of my colleague Marina Franco. It calls for a ritual of "Morning Pages"--3 pages written longhand (print or cursive?) upon rolling out of bed. Last night while reading it the author, Jane Cameron, said that in the early stages of writing the three pages there is defiance and/or giddiness as the artist recovers his creative self. I must say she anticipated correctly in my case. It says to write whatever you want, it doesn't matter, as long as it's three pages. This is so LIBERATING! Whatever I want! And I defiantly thought, haha I could write the F-word 3 big times on each page and still meet the requirement. It doesn't say anything about starting new paragraphs, so F-word it, I'll just keep going without worrying about whether I've changed topic enough to start a new one. I can do three longhand pages easily. I write in journals all the time, but having been given a number--3-- (Trinity?). It has been a Godsend, worth the price of the book, all I needed really, because I was never sure what was too much or too little and now I know. Whatever I want! Stop after three pages! It's a miracle. Bear with me. Are you still with me? Back to defiance. I don't like to admit I need outside help. I mean, what? Is Jane Cameron better than I am? Hah. I'm not convinced. (But I'll play along).
At lunch the other day, (I don't know why,but) Marina Franco asked if I write. Usually I'm not comfortable talking about writing. I become a geeky, nonsensical stutterer (or it becomes difficult to hide the geeky, nonsensical stutterer that I am), but Marina and I had a fairly lengthy conversation about it and she kept preaching this book The Artist's Way.
So I told her I'd bring her a sample of something I was working on, my La Brea Tarpits story, Miracle Mile. A day or two later I rode my bike up to the tarpits to arrange a field trip for my kids. When I returned from an amazing trip (it's rare to ride your bike more than a mile in LA and it not be amazing) there was a message on the machine from Getoff saying to get this book, The Artist's Way. OK, that's enough of a coincidence for me. Coincidence? It was more like a message from God. I got the book at the Bourgeois (however you spell that pretentious word) Pig bookstore on Franklin up in Los Feliz. Getoff and I shot a pool game in a coffee bar. I scratched the 8-ball and saw Guitar Night later at the Cat and Fiddle.

Tomorrow: The Guatemalan Nightmare's Crack HoLibrary 

10-3 Mon

I walked up Tremaine to hit Thrifty for manila envelopes and discovered a library and a Bank of America there on Wilshire. I needed a copy of Of Mice and Men to see if I had any chance of playing Curly in a play in Pasadena, but I am, of course, too big. I also checked out The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, and Rumblefish by S. E. Hinton. On the wazy to Thrifty, I bumbled into Rod Cohen and his girlfriend again, who were going into Subway for sandwiches. When I remember back to my first reading of Of Mice and Men, I was choked up at the end. Since then, I have grown to suspect Steinbeck’s drama is too contrived.

10-4 Tuesday

Damn, o damn, am I far behind on this bizness. I sniffed a little methamphetamine earlier, though, so maybe I can just keep writing until I’m caught up. The problem is, of course, that I don’t remember anymore what I did Tuesday, October 4, 1994. I know I taught up at my school in Pacoima. On Tuesday’s the kids get out an hour earlier than they do the rest of the week, and we teachers have faculty meetings or stay on campus to prepare, but I’ve sneaked off now a couple of times.

When I get home, I usually smoke if I have any pot and flip through the channels or read or write maybe if I’m lucky or try to unclumsy my fingers on the six-string.

I’d been eating a lot of hamburgers lately and note exercising, getting flabby. At one of our meetings, we discussed the upcoming Presidential Physical Fitness Test the fifth graders must do, so now I’ve beed trying to fit in more push-ups, curls, and aerobics.

I gave the GIP the $425 rent check for the month but asked him not cash it for another week ‘til I get paid.

Lucy's                10-2 Sun

Lucy's is a place on Pico and La Brea where you can get all kinds of good food. A bus stop is right in front of it. People are always there waiting for it. You can order over the counter from the kitchen directly to the sidewalk or go into a simple dining room to sit down and eat, or you can even drive thru, if you want.
After driving to Ball's in Pasadena to pick up weed and LSD, Shirelle and I stopped at Lucy's for some supper. I'd made a mad dash for a joint or two to have along on the ride to Vegas.

Vegas 10-1 Sat

Vegas 9-30 Fri

We took two vans to Vegas. I drove as far as Mimi’s brother’s up in Antelope Valley, but some of the guys weren’t comfortable with the bongloads we took, so Salamander was elected to pilot us from there. I showed a guy how to pop the non-twist-off-capped Dos Equis using a seatberlt buckle and rambled off the story of driving to my cousin’s in Rutgers for the first time following directions written on a post it. I had a Samuel Adams holiday pack in the front seat of the Z and decided to have one, but one. But the belt buckle on the Z wouldn’t work. I tried popping it on all kinds of places beneath the dashboard to no avail. I remembered seeing someone somewhere pry a bottle cap off using the cap of another bottle turned upside down. When I tried it, the cap of the upside-down bottle was the one that came off, spilling winter dark ale all down the front of my shirt. I drank about three beers using the method, driving the expressway paying tolls when I missed a turn and drove interminable with nowhere to turn around for many miles. When the concrete divide finally allowed a u-turn, I was stuck in traffic forever. When I came to a yellow light, I was averse to lengthening the delay and sped through. A state patrolman pulled out behind me and flashed his lights.

Class 9-22 Th

9-29 Th

Peach called to invite me to Swiss's bachelor party. They don't want me at the wedding, but they do at the bachelor party. Mimi must have been scared because of the coke trip to Laughlin where one fool became so lost in the maze of hallways at Harrah's that he had to take a crap in the hallway.

9-28 Wed

I don’t get much joy out of writing anymore. I remember a special buzz I used to get making the abstract concrete, committing thoughts to paper, but it seems so worthless now. I don’t feel special or smart or gifted or anything.

                                                                        Oh, shut the hell up.

Ken Burns           Tu-9-27

With this evil sign of the apocalypse baseball strike going on, preempting my ability to remain in doors with Scully in the evening, tracking the pace of my team, I’ve been going out more often, blowing dough. So, it’s a welcome relief, this eighteen-hour baseball documentary which began tonight, chronicling the origin of the game since before the Civil War. I roll a joint and switch the TV to PBS with our new cable remote control.

Earlier in the day, I walked down Pico to the neon sign shop run by Connie, the Korean lady with sharp features. I wrote a check for $180 as a down payment on a sign which will read “Ol’ Rawler Brew.” I’m gonna give it to Rawler since he’s getting married and brews his own beer.

My brother, Mack, had been forced out of his apartment by his roommates because he can’t pay his bills. He came by this evening, and I showed him the movie “Clerks.” He chuckled some but fell asleep.

Starting to hear about the blubber developing around my waist. I’ve been chowing down hamburgers like all the fry cooks in the world disappear when the Rapture begins on the first day the World Series was supposed to have been played.

Fucking Walter 9-26

I’m so far behind in this book! It’s actually October 14th, but I remember being mad at my good ol’ San Marino buddy, Walter. My roommate of two years down at school. The fucker’s parents are wealthy, stinkin’ rich maybe even. They live in a big white house with plantation-like pillars in front and a doorbell that chimes like Notre Dame Cathedral. When Getoff crashed his car, they bought him a brand new Acura. The whole family’s been all over the world. They just got back from an African safari. Getoff’s never really worked a day in his life; he’s got no rent and no bills; so imagine how pissed I was when I explained about the $1200 I had to pay to fix my car, and the $700 I had to pay to fix the other guy’s car, and the two weddings I had to buy presents for, and the bachelor party costs, and the $100 tux rental, all on top of my rent, phone bill, utilities, cable, etc., and the motherfucker says he can’t afford to pay me for the two tickets he said to buy for him to see the LA Philharmonic and then stuck me with because he didn’t feel like going; he was too tired.

I grabbed the chest of his shirt in my fist at Q and growled that he was a fucker and invited him to play pool. I told him to drive home safely when he declined. The fucker.

Brunch at Shanghai Red’s in Marina Del Rey 9-25 Sun

Thing, Shirelle, and I drove down to Marina Del Rey for brunch at Shanghai Red’s. Nice day. We sat at the bar and ate and drank a lot and watched football, and I bet Shirelle $50 that Detroit would beat New England, and they did not. She got annoyingly drunk, spilling shit and cussing a lot.

The doctor from TZ, the bald Jewish shrink was there, and the freckly-faced kid from “Taps” and “Losin’ It” was waiting tables there. He stopped at the bar to pick up some drinks for his customers, and I thought he was someone I knew from high school, like Rory Schlatter.

Shower Pool Cakefight 9-29 Sat

There was a co-ed type wedding showe for Rawler and Ann at her brother’s in Studio City. Thin and I had been playing pool at Jack’s Sugar Shack on Hollywood and Vine up ‘til then. Colorado won a hell of a game over Michigan when Kordell Stewart landed a no-time-left Hail Mary. Thing and I went to Thrifty after the game and picked up some odd items to present to the soon-to-be-married couple: Krazy Glue, a home pregnancy test, an extension cord, a tube of Grecian Formula, and laundry detergent. I drank beer slowly and heard a couple of compliments about my performance in the movie. Shirelle was there. Ann must have invited her. I drank beer slowly. After, we went to a little bar, and I sucked at pool. At home, Shirelle and I argued in bed about her moving in. The door wasn’t closed, and suddenly Ann went flying down the stairs, Rawler in close pursuit. They stood on the front lawn screaming and cursing each other. Shirelle and I went to the window to be nosy. Ann got in the car to drive away, but Rawler blocked the driveway, so she just peeled out across the lawn, and Rawler jumped on the hood of her car. She slammed on the brakes and sent him flying out into the street. She got out and threw leftover wedding shower cake at him, and I started laughing so hard, they both looked up, and Shirelle and I had to duck away.

Roof party 9-28 Fri

Shirelle’s Greek friend, Demona was having her 23rd birthday party on the roof of some building on 4th and La Brea. There were food, a bar, 70s disco, and a cool panorama from downtown to Hollywood, past the huge neon Asahi sign to Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and the ocean.

Bern and Kim came up to borrow $50 and got to Ed Debevic’s and then came to the party and ragged on Shirelle.

Bern will later send me check to pay me back that bounces.

These classes are a total drag. One guy said it was like getting stabbed in the back of the neck with an ice pick. Trippy how much the instructor looks like my stepmother.

W 9-21

“Praise the Lord; thank you, God,” came naturally from my mouth.

Sometimes I’ve prayed. Lately, though, I haven’t.

We have this old Masonic Bible form the Stony Point Lodge. Stony Point is a place my grandparents speak of fondly. The book was on a shelf in my dad’s house for many years, and now I have let it get thrashed form moving so many times, and from a stint it spent in the trunk of the Oldsmobile 98. The back cover has torn off, and the binding on the spine has ripped to the bottom corner of the capital B. My brother came to my place in Pasadena once where it sat among the usual debris on our coffee table. “A family heirloom Holy Bible and you’re using it for a coaster,” he said.

At least it’s still got all its pages.

Tu 9-20 Parent conferences this week. Ken Burns’ Baseball documentary.

Jesus’s mom hung around long enough to find out if I am Casado and to let me know that she isn’t.


What percentage of your thoughts are untrue?

Great Dallas/Detroit game    Mon 9-19
Detroit beat the world champion Cowboys in OT. Barry Sanders pinballed through the Dallas D in a rousing victory.
Did we drink beer? I don't remember. Did we smoke pot? I don't remember. Did I consider going out, to the Lava Lounge perhaps, to indulge comedic fantasies? I don't remember: like a statement of fact. I don't remember. Sounds like a general condition, but it ain't.
We started division with the fourth graders. Basketball. Gregorio slammed Jesse and hurt his knee. Gregorio is an ugly kid. Jesse's a moron. But they're children.

Su 9/18

BBQ at Thing’s buddy’s in Laurel Canyon.

Smoked a J in the road. Saw the Raiders beat the Broncos. A pudgy pug drooled on the concrete, and a hot little honey in a snug white thigh-high skirt shot me some glances had me drooling, too. We left fairly early, and Thing and I berated each other for it. It was a greaser street, check-me-out-I’m-cool-with-sideburns-and-a-Van-Dyke,-T-shirt-and-tattoo-with-a-car-from-sixty-two-and-an-old-English-bike kind of party.


Mr. Disney’s dream was coming true. Eep op orp ah ah Art Linkletter. She talked with a cartoon voice Ronald Reagan was there. Call the DMV alcohol program. The rainbow caused a traffic jam.

"Strange Days" (0,000) ravers on a blocked-off downtown street celebrating New Year's Eve 1999. Four knuckle heads couldn't handle their X and had to go to the hospital. In the morning, Thing wanted to be followed to the tire shop so he could drop off his car and get a ride back. So, we all piled into Shirelle's van and drove a few miles on Pico before Thing said, "Waitaminnit...What's wrong with this picture?" I was stumped. We'd left his car back at the house. Thing got the tickets for the Millennium '99 Rave free from Lightstorm. So many people wanted in, and we had a few extra, so being the holder of the tickets, I handed Rawler his and Shirelle hers and GIP his and Thing his to be sure no one's was sold while I scalped the rest. Oops! Sold mine. Embarrassing scene. The dude finally sold it back for twice what he'd paid. 
We'd brought fifths of brandy and whiskey at a southside liquor store where I mimicked gunshots. We stuffed the booze in our pants to smuggle in. We were extras in a scene with Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett as the millennium ticked over to the twenty-first century over and over and confetti came streaming through the floodlights from LA's skyline. We scored all kinds of good grub at the crew commissary.  I sneaked into [illegible] walking back to the car.

149                      9-13


Had to give class a stern lecture on the inappropriateness of sexual harassment after Deysi accused Juan of telling her to suck his weenie.

147                                 9-4 
I was awarded a coordinatorship for $1000 to tutor kids. It was in my mailbox this morning. Maybe I shouldn't believe it until I see the money. 

Car thieves who drive up insurance rates are no heroes.

145 Stull Evaluation 9-12


My evaluation went well today. I wore my pencil tie and did a lesson on the first North Americans, nomadic hunters who arrived from Asia over a bridge of land or ice, according to the theory, in pursuit of big game. I supported my lesson with a map on the overhead projector, showing the spread of humans throughout the world from Africa, and I had a series of 12x10 cards from the La Brea Tarpits. Amanda Feig said, “That was very good.”

I came to school in Rawler’s Bronco.

Dogs that never stop barking.

143 Blues Festival/Pete Lee 9-11 Sun

        Buddy Guy

The GIP drove Johnny Bayless and me to the all-day blues festival in Long Beach. Bo Diddly and Buddy Guy headlined.

At Mervyn’s in the morning in Cerritos with GIP I bought a couple of pairs of shorts, a tank top, and a shirt, and had flashbacks like when Gramma and Grampa took us to get a Christmas tree.     At the Auto Mall, I spoke to a few salesmen. One really wanted to sell me an Oldsmobile Bravada. I’m glad I didn’t get it. We had tickets for the KLON Long Beach Blues Festival. GIP dropped me off, and I met Bayless at the entrance at 2:00, flawlessly. I ran into Paul Barrio, and we snuck up to the front of the stage and smoked a roach when Buddy Guy came on.

141 Mr. Slammed slammed the 9-10
Z                                                    Sat.
Hung around the couch watching college football with Thing. We'd eaten at Denny's earlier in the day, Grand Slam Breakfasts and the Times. Thing used the payphone and my credit card to order tickets for opening night of Detroit vs. the Kings. On the way, we picked up a twelver. The GIP came came by. We watched. We watched Michigan vs. Notre Dame and then the GIP took me to a picnic in Claremont with Carlin and the Claremont psych department. I couldn't get the game on the radio, and I had bet Shirelle ten dollars the Irish would win. I didn't know until I got home and saw what she had written on my mirror in lipstick: I told you. You owe me 10 bucks. It was spelled correctly, if you don't count capital letters. 
I drove to Mac's in Nofridge and burned with them. We went to a big lame baseball party and then to Rosco's equally lame party, and I drove home. Coming down Highland, I had a beautiful string of green lights. 'til Sunset where I saw a red light turn green, and I coasted through the intersection when an inexplicably stopped line of cars finally started to go, all but the one in which I ran into the back of before I could completely stop. I gave him phone number and bailed before the cops came.

139 Planets at the Hollywood 9-9

Bowl                                            Fr

Just walking out the iron screen door, I said to a guy locked out before I let him in, “That’s not a bomb in there, is it?” He was holding a briefcase. So, I drove home a little high with some bud crumbs mi bro let me have before going off to his first game as a coach. They lost. Walters flaked on the bowl. I was too unmotivated to find a date, so Shirelle and I went. We brought some sandwiches and wine but no corkscrew and sat in the wrong seats and pissed everyone off, and I growled that I would strangle her. Before we went in, I tried to sell the extra tickets, but an usher threatened to bust me for scalping. So stupid. The program included Tchaikovsky’s Peter and the Wolf, narrated by Timothy Dalton, followed by Holzt’s Planets. I’m afraid I’ve heard The Planets so much it’s just too familiar. We parked at the American Hall and walked up [Ticket stub Los Angeles Philharmonic Summer Festival 1994] to the Bowl. There weren’t as many people there as there had been for Ray Charles.

137 Esteban and Andi went to see 9-8
Dave Alvin at Jack's                        Th

Eyes fiery orange red with intensely black, seeing, 
pupils. It flopped and stumbled drunkenly

It can take a lot of time to die. 
I thought of death once 
undoing gods
work. If He was the Creator, was not Death the Destroyer?
a dying pigeon
into the house
It was taking a long time, the poor
thing, panting 
pigeon wings flopped, 
awkward attempts at Flight.

135    9-7 Wed.

133 Back to School 9-6 Tues.
School school school is really a
good        safe place to be

saves mysol
to be a good teacher
soul = sol

131 La Bufadora 9-8 Mon

Thing, Maltez, and I left Papas and Beer after a few pool games and walked up the highway to another bar for a few more and some good ol’ nonstop conversation. After about an hour or so of just sitting at the bar, talking, we began to wonder about Howrad and Babs. I walked back to Papas and Beer and scoured the joint to no avail. The rest of us grabbed a cab back to our hotel and had some beers and crossed the street to another bar and there were our lost friends, partying with some 19-yeare-old San Diego skate punks who claimed to be in a band. I paid for beers like a good sport and cracked wise from time to time. A piano in the bar beckoned one of the punks, and I accompanied him with a rhythm on some bongos, and so it went—until say about four AM. Beyond the bar was a pool and hot tub and Howrad and Babs were scamming with a couple of the punks, but Babs got in over her head, and I almost had to beat up one punk. I soon realized that had to be the exact reason I had been invited on this trip—as a bodyguard.

Back in our room, we wanted to take off the mattress and fashion two beds with it and the boxspring, but it was bolted to the wall. I ripped it off, splintering the wood from the bolts and out of its foundation.

Babs said she’d never had an orgasm, and I told her I could help her with that and was resting comfortably between her and Maltez on the mattress, plotting my moves while Thing nagged me to walk out to the beach. He wouldn’t shut up about it, and finally pestered me to the point that I walked outside with him only to find that it had all been a play to switch places with me, the little bastard.

Somehow, I ended up alone on the boxspring, and Thing kept all his teeth. Howrad came in reeking of semen. “Oh, great. Now I have to sleep with Cathy Howrad,” I said, and we both blew up laughing, but I complained bitterly about the arrangement until I fell asleep.

In the morning, we put the bed back together, sort of—we all got a life imagining the next couple that tried to bone on the thing. I drove to Puerto Nuevo for breakfast on cliffs overlooking the cloudy, brown sewage-filled water the current had dragged down from the Tijuana River. A pack of dogs lazed around an old car covered in dust. I had a screwdriver and a Vicodin and a beer and drove us against everyone’s will up to La Bufadora. When the water exploded, everyone understood. Thing wanted to buy a hammock, but we began to realize we might not have enough cash left for the toll roads after we’d bought a round of coconuts with straws in them. I told them about the time I’d been spearfishing in the cove and had seen a gray whale calf, but no one seemed to care.

 On the way back, we had a couple of close calls when I passed slow movers; a mutiny ensued, and I was relegated to the passenger seat. I rested my armpit over the door with my face out the window, and it was so Mexico out there.  Crossing the border, I sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,” rousingly, I might add. Then Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car” came on the radio, and everyone in the car sang along.

129 Met with Howrad and some other 9-4 Sun
law school chicks and went to Del Mar
then Mexico. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the first day of the NFL season, as well. The ponies didn't run the way I hoped, but what the hell. Babs and Howrad decided to spend some time telling me I am a good-looking guy and smart and funny, but that I needed to clean up my act, try some different clothes, maybe some jeans shorts, though Catherine said, "I don't know. He's been wearing those Hawaiian shirts as long as I've known him."
I told them I knew, and I'd look into it, thanks. After a screwdriver and a few beers and a coffee, Pittsburgh was getting beat by Dallas, and we left after the fifth race, I driving, to Rosarito, Mexico.
We had a seafood dinner and an entertaining cab ride into town complete with dead people in overturned vehicles on the underpass below. The driver stopped to get out and gawk, and we followed suit. When we got back in the car, the driver had picked up a woman he told me was his novia, and she sat next to me on the front seat. A mile down the road, he pulled over for a family of four who piled into the very back of the wagon. 
At dinner, we had pitchers of maggies, and afterward, our waiters drove us in two cars and dropped us off at Papa's and Beer.

127 9-3? 4?

Woke up on the couch at O’Ryan’s and walked to 32nd where I bought a newspaper in front of Carl’s Jr. I crossed the street over to DP’s and paid for the low quality all-you-can-eat breakfast bar from which I piled food just once and watched the first minutes of the first Saturday of the college football season. Two Italian geeks pretended to talk about the intricacies of the game. I walked back to 41st, and my brother was finally up. We shot a few games of pool in the safety of daylight and waited for the SC-Washington game. The Trojans didn’t look so good but won. We got high, and I walked out on the beach with my towel and swam beyond the breakers and treaded water and floated under the sun on my back and thought about Catherine Howrad. She showed up later and laughed and bailed, kicked me right out of her car.

O'Ryan's Newport coke house 9-3 Fri
with a pool table and broken toilet 
seat and green shit growing along the water level and bits of vomit near the hinge of the broken lid. Ill-at-ease at the Stag, though I'd found $20 waiting for me in the Seven Eleven money machine. Some girls to whom I didn't speak gave us a ride to Forty-First and the nerdy guy was complaining that if we played pool, the crack of the break would stir the neighbors into calling the police, and they would all be doomed again.
I'd bought a case of beer on my credit card at the Stag liquor store adjoining the bar. Strange faces looked familiar or familiar faces looked strange as acid I'd taken years ago on a nearby street crept back into my veins.

123 El Compadre Mexican restaurant 9-1 Th
on Sunset with the GIP
filing for bankruptcy and Thing, I believe, ordered the crab enchiladas with rice and a margarita and wasn't there some kind of seafood tamale on that plate under all that cheese?
?or would that be mas tarde in Rosarito?
Was I high today?
So, what, motherfucker? So, what?

121 Stayed home 9-30 Wed

and probably read just a few pages of that bog-you-down existentialist philosophical bullshit. Art over philosophy.

Philosophy is an improper fraction.

Educators are a lot of bullshitters, too.

There’s nothing on TV Wednesdays—just “Jeopardy!” at 7:00

119 Got high and walking up 8-30
La Brea to the Laugh Factory Tues.
when a one-in-a-billion coindicence pulled up.   Queens
It was an odd thing. I haven't seen the guy in years and never outside of Orange County. It seemed to me that things were falling into place. I needed exercise, and I was bored. My choices came down to sitting on the couch watching the local news or going up to the comedy club for one-minute comedy contest at six. It was with ambivalent hesitation that I dragged my feet downstairs, knowing that, because I was walking a few miles, I might not make it in time. It was a coin flip to do it, up to God and fate. I trudged along La Brea through the heart of Mid City toward Hollywood and after a few minutes, I locked eyes with the driver of a little white sports coupe which pulled into the driveway cross my path. It was Rick Cohen, by old boss at the Anthill Pub and Grill. I hadn't seen him in years and never outside of Orange County. He hired me to handle the door haha where I stood in front of a 298-capacity building, by order of the fire marshal, and let in about 400 people each night and checked IDs and took ten dollars off everyone I let in, and did my schtick gave and took acid, and drank Watney's by the pitcher until one day he said, "You're fired."
Now, he said, "Get in." He was on his way up to law school--Southwestern, I guess. He gave me a ride up to Sunset and dropped me at the Laugh Factory, and I got my name on the list with time to kill. Rather than wait on the sidewalk with my fellow loser wannabes, I wandered over to a sign on the place next door that read COCKTAILS. The place was called Numbers. I went in and walked down the stairs to the bar and did my thing. Two silver-haired dudes talked a few stools down. They were talking about queens, and I thought they were mattress salesmen until I realized it was a gay bar, or so they explained to me. One of them said he'd give me two hundred dollars to let him suck my dick. He told me no woman could do it as well as a man who know what was what, and I'd never know 'til I tried.
I said, if you were a woman, I'd let you do it for free. He had a lot of rational arguments, but I felt certain I only wanted a woman playing with my dick.
The mattress bit got a laugh but not the blowjob offer. It needs a punchline.

117 Stayed home though I had a mind 8-29

to hit the Lava Mon.

Lounge. Thing and I watched a very funny independent film, unreleased as of yet, called “Clerks.” It’s about Dante, the 20-something Quickstop clerk, and his friend, Randall, who works at the video store across the street. It’s shot in black and white. I bet it was made for less than $20, 000. You could say it was a lot of immature, locker-room, potty talk. My parents would hate it. I wonder if Josh Wesley would laugh?

Good thing I was wearing White Sox that day. “Cuz I’m a Whitesox fan,” he told the big _____r.

117 Stayed home though I had a mind 8-29

to hit the Lava Mon.

Lounge. Thing and I watched a very funny independent film, unreleased as of yet, called “Clerks.” It’s about Dante, the 20-something Quickstop clerk, and his friend, Randall, who works at the video store across the street. It’s shot in black and white. I bet it was made for less than $20, 000. You could say it was a lot of immature, locker-room, potty talk. My parents would hate it. I wonder if Josh Wesley would laugh?

Good thing I was wearing White Sox that day. “Cuz I’m a Whitesox fan,” he told the big _____r.

117 Stayed home though I had a mind 8-29

to hit the Lava Mon.

Lounge. Thing and I watched a very funny independent film, unreleased as of yet, called “Clerks.” It’s about Dante, the 20-something Quickstop clerk, and his friend, Randall, who works at the video store across the street. It’s shot in black and white. I bet it was made for less than $20, 000. You could say it was a lot of immature, locker-room, potty talk. My parents would hate it. I wonder if Josh Wesley would laugh?

Good thing I was wearing White Sox that day. “Cuz I’m a Whitesox fan,” he told the big _____r.

115 I haven't written here in 9 days. Rawler, 8-28 Sun. 
Andi, and Thing are here. Fresno St.'s losing to Ohio State. Things from Fresno. Oops, this'll be tomorrow.
I went fishing today on the old sea of blue under the sky of blue dotted white with sailboats and the mackerel were shimmering greenish with intricate designs like tats of black lace
[The tone of your voice
a girls t(f)ears in the car]
draping scales smoother than skin
the angle of light changes their green to blue.
"If the light caught 'em right, you could see the blue in 'em."
I tried for bonito I saw near the surface, but they were not going for my anchovies. Peach caught a big, fat sand bass, but a fatter one won the contest.
The crew cleaned the fish, slicing into their sides near the head, behind the first pectoral fin, fileting them along the side before yanking the skins and tossing the remains over the side of the California Pride. We got ice cream when we disembarked.
Back in LA, I played X-Men video games all sweaty at Shakey's.

113 Played darts at Malarkey’s in Newport Beach 8-27 Sat

The Raiders beat the Oilers through a room curling cannabis smoke. Peachtree showed ‘bout 2, and we went down to Newport and bought sandwiches and beer, and at Paulsen and Garth’s place, we watched the kids from Northridge lose the Little League World Series to Venezuela, 4-3.

So we played Super Nintendo and ping pong and went down to Malarkey’s in the evening for some Kahluas and coffee and a few pitchers and we played some good darts and wone a few beers. I was a hit with the chicks for a couple of hours until I was too drunk to talk anymore. I was massaging Kim, the art history major at her request, and then a fine little number whose daddy had a place in Montana was all thrilled to talk to me about fishing, but my dumbass couldn’t remember her name, and I felt like I was two-timing Kim, so I excused myself. Two more got miffed when I check my watch during a lull in the conversation. We walked over to Snug Harbor, but Catherine Howrad had dogged me. I drove home alone, smoking a j along the way and lay on the couch, making fun of everything until I passed out.

111 Called in sick this morning 8-26 Fri but yukked it up a couple of laughs with a smart redhead named Wendy and a couple originally from Flint, Michigan this evening at Jack's Sugar Shack. GIP was there on a date, sitting on the patio beyond the waterfall, blues band jamming, but I did not jam on the pool table. A short dork with long black hair and cutoff sleeves tried to get me to take part in his rock-and-roll billiards fantasy starring him as a seasoned rocker pool shark and me as the straight-up nerd needing his help. After a couple of games, I bit his head off and had to go to the bar to wash my mouth out.

The beat-up Lincoln was gone.

The most interesting, thought-provoking summer smash!

109 Didn’t feel well at school today 8-25 Thursday

Had a head cold and no energy. I let them play games most of the second half. They played Jr. Monopoly, Connect Four, and checkers, and I showed them how to play Battleship. This was while I was roved into Eva Peron’s class.

107 Thing got his tonsils out 8-24 Wed
He's been staying on our couch popping Vicodin--the Fresno Kid, working for a big Hollywood studio.

105 Spent the night at Mac's. Penn had just returned from Col 8-23 Tues. orado. The boys were indirectly mad at each other, their anger surfaced at odd times. Some friend of Scott's delivered a twenty-dollar bag of bud and stems. We watched the movie "Tombstone," and my brother kept saying to me ala Val Klimer/Doc Holliday, "Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked across your grave." and "I'm your huckleberry." and "You'd be a daisy if you did."

103 The Lava Lounge for comedy 8-22 Got laughs belching. Mon. A girl brought her violin. She was cute and petite but not funny. Thing and I bought each other beers. I had some Guinnesses and a couple of Rolling Rocks. It's encouraging how badly some of them suck. A skinny, weightless, no-account, Thai guy with black-framed nerd glasses...
Tropical 60s tiki schmooze, little umbrellas and plastic palm trees in the drinks. I ran into what's-her-name, who played Flo in the "Salad Days" movie, the one I shoved against the wall in our scene, and who then slammed my head in the refrigerator door as I'm bent over, looking in. The next scene shows my character dead and bloody, eyes rolled up, she slumps against me. At the Lava Lounge, she didn't recognize me when I asked if she remembered me. "I don't," she said, "but you're giving me the creeps."
Haha! I took that as a sign of what a great actor I am, that she remembered the creep I played and not me.


"Listen," he said. "Let's get something straight: All we are is friends, and the only reason for that is because you're such a goddam persistent nag, and I'm so goddam lazy.

101 Saw the movie "True Lies" 8-21
mit Ahnohld. Thought it Sun
sucked. At Mann's Chinese on Hollywood where busloads of Japanese tourists swarm over footprints of their favorite movie stars. Throwing out the verbal abuse on Shirelle's intelligence. Cuz the movie was so preposterous.
There was in the parking lot around back an old convertible Lincoln with 4 flat tires and a busted windshield and rusted it was, with the upholstery ripped off the seats and the padding coming out.
Thing was a PA during its production and rode an elevator with Schwarzenegger and made a delivery to Jamie Lee Curtis's house in Bel Air.
"It's such a vain pursuit."
"But don't you prefer it to nothing, to spending free time on the couch in front of the tube?"
99 Went to a cervix 8-20 Sat bar with the GIP. and Thing. The Century Lounge. Ouch. Some chick calling herself Isis had Tom conned. I gave her his phone number on a napkin. When I got home, I worshipped Shirelle's pussy. Antoinette flexed her sphincter so that her labia open and closed to the tune of "Saturday Night Fever." She could lip sync with her vagina. "Whether you're a lover or whether your a mother, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.." She smiled and laughed and clapped. Beforehand, we sat in the bar at the Hilton and sucked back kamikazes in front of the Raider game while I boasted like an Irishman about fights I've been in as the karaoke began. She brushed her breasts on my cheeks and nose, and I asked her if she ever danced anywhere with her clothes on anywhere. She played coy on the topic, if you can be coy on your back, holding your ankles in the air.

97 Stayed on to work on my already week-late paper     8-19 Fri.

Watched "The Saint of Fort Washington" starring Matt Dillon and Danny Glover, and excellent film about which I was touched, almost weepy.

Rawler, Andy, and the GIP went to meet Stevo at some street scene in Wilshire where Los Lobos were playing.

Andy gave Shirelle a key to my place. Maybe I should have answered negatively to that 'L' question she posed, but I didn't want to seem heartless.
    She was there in the kitchen reading fashion magazines.

95 The smart bet would that I that I came home from school 8-18 Th
and napped, no? Dropped John Bayless off at his apt. on the way to school this morning. I told the class about how Ray Charles sang "America the Beautiful." They are typing papers on the Macs in the back of the class. John wore a shirt--how to describe such a pattern, or lack thereof? I won't try. Sniffed up a line in the bathroom. The keys jangle as you open the door. A month later this happens. Octavio got a crew cut. Now I call him Corporal Cortez. The other Octavio answered all the questions about westward movement in the nineteenth century, earning the title of Capitan Blanco. We've also got Jose Can You See? cuz he always forgets his glasses, and a kid named Filiberto, shortened to Fili, who everyone just calls Flea. Another boy everyone calls Pelo because he always fusses with his hair.
Sometimes I have these comical fits of exaggerated exasperation. I begin to tic and wince and flinch with my whole body at the responses the kids give when the prove to me they have not been listening at all.

93 Saw Ray Charles with Etta James 8-12 Wed

At the Hollywood Bowl. Did a little cid first, then drove out to West Ho with that buzzin drunk feeling to pick up Jimmy Bayless. Devoured Chickaboom, cornbread, etc. At Mayfair Market, I saw a familiar redhead and we eyeballed each other as we passed and commented on the familiarity and guessed a few schools and then realized we knew each other from the pool room at Dominico’s in Old Town Pasadena.

Hit for the cycle with wine, beer, and rum. Saw a guy who looked just like Chuck Manson, sans whiskers, front a blues band at the Mint.

Sweating, noxious fumes, traffic up Highland to the Bowl.

Walter’s date’s name was Felicia, and I overheard she was a Latter-Day Saint in a discussion by Getoff of good Mormons and bad Mormons. Peachtree was there with his girl, Susie De la Cruz, who has such a big smile. We drank ice cappio and marvelled at the blind man’s ability. He had a 52-piece orchestra backing him. He did “It Ain’t Easy Being Green,” “America the Beautiful,” and a song about not getting out of bed with your lover to go to work.

It was a warm evening and I had no qualms about removing my shirt.

“Once we heard how Coley had a girl staying in his house. I didn’t think that was so bad, but Bailey explained to me the Coley was probably ‘doing it’ to her. He said that although ‘it’ was bad, just about everybody in the world did it to somebody, but no one else was supposed to know that.”

                                                                                                                   -Maya Angelou

                                                                                                                   I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

91     8-16  Tu
Slept at my brother Mac's apartment.
Brought my own fan with me. Had gone to purchase some relief but the deal fell through. Stormin's frat boy bro was sold out. It was cool on the floor where I slept below the air con with the fan on me. I watched a skin flick with Mark Wallace poking a variety of babes. Then I fell asleep.
The television there is a trip like the timeless time: on shrooms during what seemed like such a primitive uneasy bond of a group of men camped in front of a ballgame on a summer night. That TV had been knocked around in the and now the left side of the screen was green, and the broadcast seemed beamed in from different broadcast feeds from different dimensions. The ball left the pitcher's hand and traveled through a range of multi-colored possibilities before arriving in this reality.
So, on a day tilted in Evil's favor, Daryl Strawberry and the Giants beat the Dodgers on ESPN, but somewhere the outcome was different.

89 8-15 M

Why is it that Monday is always a blank? In my plan book, it’s blank. It was our first day in the the new classroom. I’m a rover, you see. I must’ve groaned and cussed bitterly this morning, the way I do when the alarm goes off. Ena Szuipac’s room, trippy old Argentine and bang! Her name just makes sense.

On the freeway, doin’ about 85, I can roll a joint and smoke it and put Visine in my eyes. On my way to work—

Our Father who art in Heaven

Hallowed be they name

They kingdom come

Thy will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

As thine is the kingdom

And the power and glory,

Forever and ever.


87    8-18 Su

I can’t spell today. Jim Crack has gotten overwrought. Jim is intelligent but fucked up.

What do you mean “fucked up?”

You’ll see.

He punches mirrors and fights.

He’ll wind up in Vegas and win just you watch

But first he’s gotta steal weed and get fired from Disneyland with not car cuz his car burst into flames.

They’d known each other a long time, all through school and they’d shared rent at a place but they weren’t exactly friends. He said all he’d heard was that I was some crazy dude.


Fuck fuck a hundred kinds of fuck.+

85          8-13- Sa

Hot. Sizzling, my brains were, on the freeway. Even my eyes were sweating.

Mom had birthday party for Bernie in her backyard with a juke box and pony keg. The heat had me remarking on cosmic waves.

In the day, we saw “The Mask” at the Beverly Center with Jim Carrey living out his cartoon fantasies.

We had a lunch at some shitty little mall shop trying to be a chic Italian café. It turned into a problem having a big vase full of flowers on the tiny table, but the proprietress was reluctant to move it and not at all attentive to my thirst.

I made a second keg run, but everyone was leaving when I got back with it.

Crawled over behind the EZ chair and slept on the floor. It was quite damp when I awoke.

83 Monster Heatwave  8-12 Fri

I didn’t stay home and work on my paper; in fact, I cut class early and drank a bottle of champagne in my living room and had a nice talk with my roommate’s fiancée.

At Jack’s, I stumbled around smeared in BBQ sauce and drank ‘til my head hung.

An said if she was a guy, shed want to be like me.

Rosie Flores was playing an earnest, likeable set, but my neck got weak and my eyelids heavy, so I had to out to the car and crash.

The pizza man says I threatened him. He showed up with a large pizza and garlic bread for the wrong house and wanted seventeen dollars. He did not want to believe that I had not ordered a pizza and wouldn’t leave.

Shirelle popped in, but I popped out. She was still here when I got back, though, and we humped.

I had to “rove” out of my classroom. I was trying to move the big cabinet on wheels with all the materials inside, down the steps, with the help of two sixth graders, when the broken door swung open and smashed my head and all the contents poured out (of the cabinet, not my head), and the shelves collapsed.


The baseball strike started today. It will be harder to stay in without having the games to watch or put on the radio.

It’s so hot, I shaved my beard and got a haircut.

81    8-11 Th.
Today is Berniece's birthday. I called her, but you could tell she was on the other line. She turned 21 today.
Member once, when we were children at the house in Cerritos, so she couldn't have been more than 3, and I, 8, and I crawled around on my hands and knees. 'Roawr!" I growled, and I was a lion, and she crawled around and shrieked and hid behind the curtains, giggling.
Bern and my mom don't get along well. I try to dismiss their fight as a chick feud--trivializing resentment and contempt that I~~~~

79 The Ocean just kept doing what it was doing. 8-10 Wed
So, I drank more and more wine and waited on my death.

77     8-9 Tues

Today was Mardi’s birthday. She is thirteen now; long, skinny legs.

75          8-8 Mon.

Oh man how can it be Sunday already? I’ll not remember what happened all the way back to then. A girl named Alma in my class switched schools. I hope it wasn’t because I was so mean to her. I’ve been hearing lately that I am abusive. Howrad said so. Mariachi said so. GIP said so.         

73    Sun 8-7
I played softball in Glendora at Haller Field and then visited my dad and stepmom in Hacienda Hts. They were worried about the declining percentage of whites in California. It was one of those hot humid days with gray skies and increased gravity. The balls we hit died in midflight, and it was had to spur our feet into action. We climbed the fence to get to the field, and that was work enough. I was fatigued by the second inning and made several errors and popped up frequently.
Back at Phil's, they did flips off the diving board while the Dodgers beat the Rockies, and I perused the latest Hustler which was on the coffee table.
I drove then to my dad's and watched the end of the Dodgers and he told me how he was contacted by he USOC to head security at the airport during the Atlanta Olympics and turned it down and likewise told Sam Donaldson no to national OJ analysis.

71          8-6 Sat

I had a sugar cube. Sizzled a bit out of Huntington Beach, completely ditched school to see the U.S. Open of surfing, and we had a pitcher of rad at the microbrewery and then abmled down the street and lost NTN at Perq’s, and we scoped thonged butts from the pier and walked in the sand where a deadhead-like percussion section beat out a tribal rhythm and girls danced like gypsies and voodoo queens, and I drank and joined them.

From there, we (GIP) went to check on the sloshball game at Orange Grove Jr. High in Hacienda Hts., but it was over except for a few drunk morons fucking around. We were going to Long John’s

[ticket stub to 2001 NCAA Baseball Regional Hosted by CSUF] 5-28-01 Tu 7:45 PM when we saw Mariachi in front of his dad’s house, and we stopped to gab about the birth of Bill’s grandson that same hour.

Pablo was washing his girlfriend’s car, and she asked him for a glass of water, and he served her.

The Devils are beating Colorado in Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Go Joisy. I typed fifteen minutes this morning. Rode my bike to work. I feel like a broken record. Whad oui do? Talked about their weekends while I read the sports. Dodgers have won five straight. Brown goes tonight. McGwire homered in his first game back after six weeks on the Disabled List. They wrote in their journals. Bush, the President, is coming. He’ll say there’s nothing he can do about controlling the price of electricity. Not while he and his friends at Enron are getting richer off it. They read form their journals. Villaraigosa and Hahn are heading into the last week of the mayoral race. At recess, I jerked beef. I tried to teach them about reading an analog clock, but they weren’t having it. I visited Senorita Villa at lunch. She invited me to see here photo album of her travels through eastern Europe. Ugh. Prague. Moscow, Berlin, Helsinki, Warsaw. I saw a photograph of Nikko. “Veddy Mhizterious,” I said. She’s tough to figure. And then you crack her and the nut’s even tougher to figure. I humped the wife he other night, too, just so you know. Might’ve knocked her up, too. [happy/sad face] Had some Lean Cuisine at lunch. Got lesson plans ready for the next three days. I’ll be at the Raddison Midtown, 35th and Figueroa, for some teacher training. Rochelle, Mardi, and Ada came to my class. Rochelle said they needed money for diapers. Really, they wanted money to go to lunch. I gave them my debit card. We played handball and basketball at PE. I rode my bike home. No one was here. I catnapped on the couch, twenty minutes, maybe. I thought I heard them coming home, and I got up and looked out the window, but they weren’t there, and so I went back to lie down, and they pulled into the driveway. My mother’s supposed to be a hired companion to the mother of famous actor Anthony Hopkins. She met her at a restaurant called “Dante.”

68          8-4- Th

Things you know bout but miss and regret—

“Sometimes you don’t want to leave simply because there are tits in the bar.”

“Sometimes U sit n a Port-a-Potty trying not to let your shrivelly weenie come into contact with anything that aint you.”

The men drum and the women dance.

I’d popped a wad of mushroom between my cheek and gums like Skoal and buzzed steadily, eeny-meeny-miney-moing my way left and right through the city, unsure where I would go ‘til I got to the Beverly Center, where I bought several $1.98 paperbacks like Moby Dick, The Turn of the Screw, Great Gatsby, Last of the Mohicans, and Lord Jim, plus a Dramalogue and three stories by Richard Brautigan. Then I was kind of making my home somewhat by way of Jack’s Sugar Shack. After I left Jack’s, I got gas and headed toward Keniston and pulled into the Vons on Pico and shopped in my sunglasses for liquids. I also bought a chicken which I devoured savagely on my feet in the kitchen and began to drink beers I’d bought and scanned the Dramalogue for a job, to no avail/

The GIP came over and I gave him a hard time about working part-time and lights were going on and off everywhere which I wasn’t sure were real or not, and I sat out on the step out front talking to Shirelle and joking about my fear of roaches running up my shorts and Walters called and she left.

69    8-5 Fri
I went to the 1st 1/2 if class only. I hope no one has pegged me for undedicated. So, what did I do?
My brother called and said everybody was going to Bennigan's, but I stayed home. I should call James Cordick, the newly-30, Corona-Del-Mar, surfer-dude, recovering-alcoholic teacher now, though, to find out the next mind-numbing requirement for the class.

67          What a hangover            Wed 8-3

My head hurt when I woke up damp on the floor. Popped three Tylenol and jumped in she shower. Reassumed the prone position on the floor at recess and lunch but didn’t catch any quality z’s. Had to explain to a colleague why my shirt was so dirty…

Went home, jerked, crashed for a few. Woke up, whipped up some pasta, broccoli, and chicken as Rawler and Andy went to a BBQ at Rawler’s mom’s. Went back to sleep.

“…being the ‘Project’ is different than holding the idea,” says Ortega. Everything else int eh world is what iti is…A stone is given its existence. It need not fight for what it is—a stone in the field.” Man is more concerned “not with what he is but in what he is not yet.”

“Man has no nature; what he has is history.”

63          Mon

I wonder if I should leave days like this blank as a truer reflection of what I remember or as an accurate account of what transpire.


1-27-01 Sa 3:03 PM

I’m at the Oaxacan barber shop on Pico. I’m all tripped out--on caffeine, I guess. The wife makes a mean pot of coffee. I’ve gone to shit about six times so far today. I feel uneasy and jittery. I’m short of breath and have fucked up post-nasal drip that fucks with the pressure in my inner ear. The bike ride through the winter air felt like a swim in a cold ocean.

61    Sun
Laundry at Mariachi's after one lap around Disneyland where white and fuchsia oleander hedges grow ten feet tall around the park. I pulled off a screen near the front door and reached in under the curtain and unlocked the deadbolt. I watched mostly rear-oriented pornos and left with a few books I wanted or thought were mine: The World According to Garp, which I've already read, Beloved, by Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut's Player Piano, and maybe some others; I don't remember.

 59 Sat. 30
Sloshball at Matador Stadium for Rich Chewbacca's birthday. A Slip-and-Slide has been set up between third and home. I had eaten some mushrooms before I arrived. Whoop. I was 0 for 2 when Carlos went to the car for his bat, and I put one into the bleachers. On plays at third, I kept throwing the ball from the fence in left over Chewie's head at third. Between innings, I said I'd hit him right in the chest from then on, and I poked him between the pecs with my index finger and remembered how I couldn't stand some guy from years earlier, completely unrelated to anything having to do with the present moment.
How's this for order: notebook, guitar, typing?
At what we sometimes call for some reason "inservicing," which is like a teacher symposium, we were taught about forestry. The leader had us shut our eyes, choose an animal to be, and imagine dusk with thunder rumbling across the purple sky as another crack of lightning flashes. The detail went on and on in soothing tones. Then she asked us how our animal behaved in the rain. Valerio said he was a skunk looking for a hollow tree. I said I was a brown trout and the rain was cool with me.

57     Fri. 7-29
Class was totally boring. When I got home, Rawler and his bro and sis were waiting to see a band at the Fairfax High gymnasium. We drank beers, and then I was left alone with Rawler's girl, which made me nervous, too nervous to sit at my desk out in the living room, so I went into bedroom and shut the door and didn't write.
We live upstairs in a white house where mosquitoes will come in open windows with no screens and suck your blood in your sleep unless you can wake up when you hear them buzz by your ear and turn on the light and locate the little bastards. You must get them with the first swat, or they will absolutely vanish to some nightmarish dimension until you fall asleep again, when they will pierce your skin with their serrated, hypodermic faces. What created such an existence? If you smack one on the wall it explodes in a red splash on the white paint.

55    7-28 Th
Shirelle showed up and we humped. How's that for sensitivity? She probably cleaned the bathroom tub and brought groceries. She wants to buy a bigger bed than the single mattress and box spring on the floor of my room, surrounded by clothes and paper. I said, "Thanks, but I prefer to the master and owner of where I sleep."
"I'm giving it to you. You will be," she said.
I think what's at issue here is not where I sleep but with whom. If she buys the bed, won't that be license for her to crawl under the covers at any time? If she pays for the bed, doesn't she have some say in who sleeps in it?
Like Peachtree used to get upset. "You didn't sleep in my bed, did you? Please tell me you didn't fuck in my bed."
One time in Newport, I was asleep on my mattress on the floor and the phone rang in that big Okie giant, Smiley's room. I dragged my ass out of bed to answer it, and then I fell back asleep on his bed. When he found me there, he was pissed.

53 Norm's in Northridge   7-27 Wed
Watched the Dodgers lose on a television
Bizarrely, the images were transmitted indeterminately through multiple channels, timelessly, colored, that tribal feel. A heart-shaped chicken breast in a bed of rice, posed before me, tobacco taste in my mouth.
The infiniteness of possibility came into focus almost with each pitch.
My brother had cooked the chicken.

51    7-27
Back to School Night
The parents of three kids showed up to Back to School Night. Josie's mom, Deysi's mom and Dad. (Deysi and her mom have the exact same face), and Paula and her mom and two sisters. I was positive with them but said we had a lot to learn.
Saulo drew a turd coming out of dinosaur's butt in a library book. He's a funny little guy with a voice pitched high as Everest, sending avalanches tumbling down the Himalaya.
A girl name Vivi, who has worn her school uniform every day, a Catholic-looking thing with plaid skir and white shirt, a quiet and reserved girl, came in today in jeans and snug spandex top revealing her advanced adolescence, shall we say, and you can see the effect it's having on Orlando and Saulo who sit directly across from her and are giggling even more moronically than usual.
49    7/25
We hung up the dartboard in the quaint cabinet with the Golden Clipper, 1805 scrolled beneath a painting of her likeness across the doors, asea, fullsails, nailed into the wall.
The Dodgers won their game at Candlestick 10-5. Rawler and I ate peanuts from a brown paper bag and drank Lowenbraus as the LA 9 jumped out to a big lead. I fell into a doze and Worrell let the enemy back into the game, but still we won and contained Strawberry, praise God. 
I made herb butter penne pasta and ate it straight from the pot, and, buzzed on dark beer already, I threw down several cool spoonfuls of cookie dough ice cream. 

45 Bailed on class early
Stevo's BBQ
That about says it all. The Dodgers lost a pitiful display. I ate a couple of hot dogs and feel asleep on a chaise-lounge. Empty day.
Stevo has moved into a condo in Newport up from the beach, near Fashion Island. Craig Jackson was there, and he wasn't at all annoying. I forgot the other guy's name. 
One time I saw Jackson's band, Lidsville, on the same stage where, Duke, who played the guy I was going to kill in "Salad Days." I shook up beers and squirted them all over the band and the stage and the equipment and the crowd and Jackson was all snotty cuz I didn't know the name of his band.

109 8-25 Thurs  Didn't feel well at school today.
Had a head cold and no energy.. I let them play games almost the whole second half. They played Jr. Monopoly and Connect Four and checkers, and I showed them how to play Battleship. THis was while I was roved into Sciupac's class.

107 8-24 Wed

Thing got his tonsils out today. He’s been staying on the couch, popping Vicodin. The Fresno kid, working in Hollywood for a big studio…

105 Spent the night at Mac’s. Penn just returned from Colorado 8-23 Tuesday

The boys were indirectly mad at each other, their anger surfaced at odd times. Some friend of Scott’s delivered a twenty-dollar bag of bud and stems. We watched the movie “Tombstone,” and my brother kept saying, “Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked across your grave,” and “I’m your Huckleberry,” and “You’d be a daisy if you did.”

103 8-22 The Lava Lounge for comedy. Got the laughs belching.

A girl brought her violin. She was cute and petite but not funny. Thing and I bought each other beers. I had some Guinnesses, a couple of Rolling Rocks. Its encouraging how bad some of the comics suck. A skinny, weightless, no-account Thai guy with black-framed nerd glasses.

Typical tropical tiki sixties schmooze, little umbrellas and plastic palm trees in the drinks. I ran into what’s-‘er-name, who played Flo in “Salad Days,” the one I shove against the wall and who then slams my head in a refrigerator door as I bend in, looking for beer. They show me dead and bloody, eyes upturned, as she slumps against me.

At the Lava Lounge, she didn’t recognize me. I said, “Hi,” and saw she didn’t remember me. “I don’t know,” she said, “but you’re giving me the creeps.” Ha. Well, that’s because the character I played was creepy, right?


He said, “Listen, let’s get something straight: All we are is friends, and the only reason for that is because you’re such a goddam persistent nag, and I’m so goddam lazy.”

101        8-21 Sun

Saw the move “True Lies” mit Ahnold. Thought it sucked. Saw it at Mann’s Chinese where a busload of Asian tourist swarmed over the courtyard photographing the footprints of movies stars. Hooray for Hollywood!

Throwing out the verbal abuse on Shirelle’s intelligence, just because the movie was so preposterous.

In the parking lot around back, an old convertible Lincoln rusted with four flat tires and a busted windshield, the upholstery ripped off the seats and the padding bulging out.

Thing was a PA on the movie, and rode an elevator with Schwarzenegger and made a delivery to Jamie Lee Curtis’s house in Bel Air.


It’s such a vain pursuit.”

“But don’t you prefer it to nothing? To spending free time on the couch in front of the tube?”

I had another one of those tossing and turning nights filled with weird dream, with lights streaking the sky and exploding, and apprehension moving through the house at night compelled me to look over my shoulder in the bathroom. I was out of bed before six, put on some jeans and buttoned up my plaid redneck shirt.  There was time, so I threw last night's roach into a pre-rolled foil pipe and puffed some. 
Through the window shades out onto the street I saw a tow truck pull up to my car and thought what's-'er-face next door was going to have my car towed out of my driveway for some reason, but she had acquired its services to change a flat.
Yeah, life's a trip, sh-boom, sh-boom, sh-boom.
Whoa whoa shit head chick on the radio confesses her wastedness. Then I sketch my nose. Sure I can remember everything I've said and and [sic] repeat it back to myself and review it.
Weird. It seemed like there were so many people I was talking to, my roommate's [illegible] whose house is this and you know you're the one who pays the rent there [illegible] on the second floor the clink of the dog's tags were hearable. The page flapped up mysteriously and you assume it was the breeze. The wind you know blew hard in Hemet today.

47 7-24 I walked up La Brea to the Snake Pit on Melrose. As I left the house, a blue LAPD helicopter circled, a hundred feet above the street. Near the Ralph's Supermarket, a fat, old woman, curled up fetally beneath a shopping cart, quivered as she emitted a long, loud fart. I stopped in Il Literate, a pricey, trendy bookstore next to a 90s minimalist beatnik coffeehouse. I saw a might have liked to own but did not buy. A gang of boys lurked near an ATM ostensibly selling candy.  At another bookstore, aisles piled with paperbacks, I decided against buying a Madeline book for my kids and a hardcover Confederacy of Dunces for me, but I bought a Dramalogue at a nearby newsstand.  When I reached the bar, I drank beer with a fierce gent of subtle mulatto features who boasted he could beat Tyson and claimed to have already hit him once.

43 7-22 Fri
Hi between classes. Boring lady people trip on me. "Reservoir Dogs" in Westwood. Didn't need to see it a second time, but I was pretty far down the chain of command in the back seat behind Rawler and his fiancée, who made the decision. It was more absurd this time around, Keitel doing his crying moan in yet another movie. I should've stayed home and written some lines for Jim about his reflection in the mirrot.

37          7-19 Tues

I had a dentist’s appointment after school which I went to; got the tartar scraped off from below the gums and was lucky enough not to need a blood transfusion when we were through. I snooped through a few bookstores, but I only bought a newspaper which I read at the bar at Q’s while I watched the Dodgers lose and played the National Trivia Network and go the number one score in the country on the Tuesday Night Showdown and won a prize of $50. I went upstairs for the pool tournament. I shot well, but lost in the first round of three out of five in the fifth game when the son of a bitch sunk the eight ball on the break. Fuck that. I played Pole Position all the way hoe and did Pasadena to Mid City in seventeen minutes.

33 7-17 Sun

Day after. Continental breakfast. Denny’s. Snot. Shrill repeats blowjobs. Buys a Hustler magazine from the liquor store, she does. Numero Uno back in LA.



The chairs at the reception farted comically whenever people shifted their weight upon them. Ahem. I stuffed money in the bride’s cleavage. Two bottles of Dom Perigon I bought vanished from the fridge. I think my sister and her drunk clueless teenage friends drank them in the middle of the night. Kris and Jose opened their gifts in the sunny back yard, under the umbrellas over the tables, we sat and watched. Shirelle kept imitating her boss’s New-York-Jew accent for anybody with ears. Oops all this happens tomorrow. Pablo explained life to Uncle Terry in broken English in the kitchen.

A completely unmemorable day. I talked with Mac about meeting him at Bennigan’s, and I tried to swing a weed deal with John Ball, but I just stayed in instead and read more of Jasper’s interpretation of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and lives spent in reflection and the demise of Christianity and the importance of communication


Jasper’s:-“…the thesis of my philosophizing is: The individual cannot become human by himself. Self- being is only real in communication with another self-being…

Truth is more than scientific correctness…Communication points to this more…[it] is the path to truth in all its forms…the intellect finds clarity only (finally) in discussion…[it] is felt at the boundary of science and in communication…The source of truth is the Encompassing.


Wedding rehearsal for the Zirmeno wedding. I went straight from school down to Placentia to be in Christie’s wedding rehearsal at the Catholic church. I walked up to the blessing from the priest with gnarled hands. After, there was Pollo Loco and guitar playing at Chris and Carlos’s. Pedro’s son began to mimic Mac’s Homer Simpson Dohs. The coordinator’s name was Fran, short and stout. I walk my mother down the aisle and pick up the groom’s mother and escort them to the community candles. They each light one from with the bride and groom will make one flame. Fran was short and stout and the church wedding director. Method was a name Christie got from her father.

7-13 Wed.

I don’t know.

Last night we were talking how Tony Gwynn would have been out at the plate in the 10th inning of the All-Star Game if Mike Soscia had been catching instead of Ivan Rodriguez. Gwynn even said, “If it had been Mike Soscia back there, I would have been dead meat.”

Six months of newspapers sit in three piles along an arm of the couch against the wall under the window: earthquakes, riots, floods, wildfires, murder, rape, mayhem, etc., documented for your perusal.

7-12 Tues

We had that meeting after school. I ran off some dittoes, and, on the way home I bought some beer. Rawler and I drank beer and ate hotdogs and watched one of the best all-star games in years. The end.

7-11 Mon

Monday, Monday, not a very fun day, or I could say, "Yay!" about something gay (not in the homo way); I wonder if, when I hit the hay, I may get a lay; I wouldn't say nay, but somehow she will make me pay.
AAAHG who knows? Not me. Who cares? Not me, either. What the fuck? Did I write anything? Did I practice guitar? Did I exercise? I don't think so. I've been putting on the pounds lately. Weight 200 in my shoes on the scale in the nurse's office at school. Who fucking cares? Me. I don't want to be fat with clogged arteries and die before I've done all I want to do. I think I rolled some roaches together and a little piece of partially smoked bud dusted gray with ash and smoked it through an improvised tin-foil pipe. I'm not sure it was half smoked. It's becoming a mystery to me how that bud turned all gray. Maybe I smoked a fungus.\

 Duh Duh Duh Duh Fuck Ack Ick Shit Rats Briglfrigrajuhorghtrt.

I rode down to Wilshire Tux and got fitted.

7-10-94 Sun.

Shirelle and I drove back to Old Town and had some bagels while we waited to meet Getoff and see the "Forrest Gump" matinee at the United. It starred Tom Hanks and Robin Wright and was about a simple, good-hearted film man who was impossible not to like. My eyes, which have been in a drought for years, were welling up.

After the movie, we has some onion rings and a couple of beers at Delancy's and drove back to LA where Shirelle rolled some of her neighbor's homegrown, and I wrote a Jim Crack paragraph and worked on a resume for my pictures.


Humped s'more this morning. Didn't worry about being late. Just kind of tiptoed in unnoticed with a bagel and a donut. The bagel was too chewy. The donut was one of those French crullers--not bad. THe day was long and boring. A short Mexicana with a slap of fat pouring over her belt demonstrated ESL lessons by talking to us like we were kindergartners or retarded for two hours and repeatedly calling on us to identify a paper apple. The day dragged on. Cordite, an SC business grad/surfer guy from Corona Del Mar and a colleague of his from Minnesota and I went to Marie Callendar's for lunch. After lunch, we did a dialog/epilogue of a reverse Goldilocks story in which a bear cub enters the house of humans and demolishes their furniture.

"What are you doing in our house?"

"It looked so cozy..."

"You better get out before I have you stuffed!"

"I'm sorry--aaaaaaahhhh!"

Blam! Blam!

Yea, right. Comedy. People laughed.

Met Shrill at Q's and played the National Trivia Network and watched the Dodgers. Sat next to a discharged soldier. Walters and Dodsworth showed. We shoot pool. Then it was off to Ball's and Nina's, high. Drove home. Humped.

7-8-94 Fri

I was kind of a bore at school today, and I could hardly control my legs from carrying me out of my class, my body and spirit were so against just sitting there for four hours. Bought 6 tall boys on the way home and some Kentucky Fried Chicken and Shirelle called  and came over in her minivan, and we just humped, I guess.

7-7-94 Th

When I got home Thursday, I fell asleep in the easy chair under the Elvis clock with the swaying-hips tick tock. When I awoke at 8:23, I thought for a second it was morning; the light in my room was just so, then I looked at the clock and thought I was late for school before I figured it out. I read some and wrote a little and strummed a few chords and “Seinfeld” was funny, and I went back to bed.

7-6-94 Wed.
What about Wednesday? I've waited too long to make this entry, and I don't remember anything remarkable about Wendesday. 
Oh! Mrs. Cicada, the principal came by my room. "Do you have your pink clearance slip?"
My what, now? "Uh..."
"You need it to teach. You shouldn't be teaching without it."
I had to drive downtown to the district office to Carrie Smother's office and show them evaluation and fill out some forms and take them to the contracts office where you sit and wait for them to call you to fill out some forms and then you sit and wait for them to call and send you upstairs to payroll for a transcript where you must sit and wait for them to call you to put your name, address, ph#, and Social Secuity numbers on still more forms and sit and wait for them to call you and they send you back to contracts where you sit and wait for them to call you and they send you to credentials where you sit and wait for them to call you to fill out your name, address, phone, social, and then you sit and wait for them to call you to send you down the hall to records to sit and wait to be called to fill out forms with your name, address, ph, SS and then you just do that a few more times and they send you back to the main office for an authorization signature and you sit and wait and fill out some forms and go back to the credential office and wait and sit and then they call you over to pay the #95 processing fee with the money order that you had to go to the bank to wait in line to find out you must go wait in line at the post office to get, and then you sign your contract, they you your pink clearance slip, and you're done, just like that!
Esteban and I played darts for a sixpack. I won every game, and he came back with Rolling Rock, and we played dominoes. I won every game (not bragging--just the facts). All of a sudden Ball and Nina showed up after seeing David Byrne at the Wilshire Ebell Theater, and we smoked.


Awoke at 5:30 AM, got school about 6:30. Hung up posters, maps, charts, etc. My new class seems cool enough. We had introductions followed by a lesson about why we celebrate Independence Day and a math problem in which they had to try figure out how old is America. It was hard for a lot of them.

After school, I was reading and writing ad watching “The Verdict” with Paul Newman when the GIP called. We went to Universal to see “The Lion King” at the $7.50-to-park Temple of Satan Cineplex Odeon with a 19-foot screen. The “Lion King” lives up to its hype. It’s a glossy, corporate, heartless commercial, far inferior to “Jungle Book” or “Little Mermaid” or “Aladdin,” although the warthog and meerkat were memorable characters.


When I dropped Shirelle off at her mom’s apartment, I helped her carry her bag in, and her family was partying, listening to music, having some beers, playing cards and dominoes. They sat me down with a plate of ribs and a beer and showed me how to play “Hood Bones.” “First, you wash the bones…”Washed down a few more beers and won the game, and we laughed at stuff and Shirelle’s stepdad Larry, kept saying, “This whiteboy know what time it is.” There was a cousin just finished seven years for armed robbery of a post office and gave Shrill and I a j to puff on the way to the liquor store for reinforcements.

It got darker, and Larry Jr. wanted to see fireworks. Gwen gave me the keys to her squeaky vehicle, and we drove up high enough in Alta Dena to see the bombs bursting in air over the Rose Bowl.

7-2-94 Sat
Had a little Post Raisin Bran for breakfast and Shirelle accompanied me to the Social Studies Center where I purchased $141's worth of books, charts and maps for school. The weather had turned cloudy as we drove back up to Laurel Canyon to retrieve Shirelle's glasses. Dropped her off back at the house and drove to Placentia to get fitted for my tux for Chris's wedding, butt the damned place was closed fo the holiday weekend. ON the way out, I stopped in Hacienda Hts. at the BofA ATM to get money for a haircut and saw Jerry Cooper helping Mariachi's mother figure out the new-fangled technology of the ATM as Zack Butler stood by. They told me of a party for Squiddy and left me to help Mrs. Mariachi who said an angel had sent me to her.
I weighed over a night of partying in Newport Beach with by brother and McNeill but instead headed for home via Big 5 at Puente Hills for darts, shorts, shirts and a good pair of $30 hiking boots. I didn't remember Squiddy's b-day until I was halfway home. I opted not to turn around. 
Carlos was already here when I arrived. Rawler and I threw a few dart games, all of which I won, heh heh heh. He, Shirelle, An, Carlos, and I followed the GIP along a circuitous route to the Numero Uno around the corner for pizza and beer. I told a few true fish stories about the shroomin' drunks who, with perfectly-sized firewood abounding, rolled a huge log into the firepit--and my boots along with it; and we stood and watched 'em burn. I told of patching the raft with bubblegum. I told of how I stood on a rock and held the top half of my fishing pole over the creek to untangle the line and the detachable bottom half dropped off into the creek, and how my father's buck knife, my scissors and medicine plopped in right after it as I bent over to fish out my reel and they fell from my breast pocket. I told about dozens of beer cans littering out campsite as the ranger slimjimmed by keys out of my car, and how I'd borken off a piece of wire hanger in the lock of the hatch trying to jimmy my way in, and how I had to empty out all the shit in the back throught the front door on the steep, one-lane road leading out of Devil's Postpile, so I could get to the spare and change a flat tire. The table seemed entertained, and I got off a few quality one-liners as I strummed my guitar in the EZ chair in the corner after we got home, GIP babbling foolishness. We spoke of aid to Russia and wound up playing penny poker on the ottoman into the early morning.

7-1-94 Fri.
I showered and shaved a week's whiskers off my neck and left the rest as a souvenir of my high Sierra days. For now. At school, Veronica helped me stack my kids' books on a cart after we had sorted out an office blunder involving the grade break-up of my class. We wheeled the books through the heat up to room thirty-six, sweaty just from that.
I piled the books in odd stacks on the kidney-shaped table and left them for Tuesday. I spoke briefly of camping with Christina and Sam, picked up my check and hopped into my car. Exited the 170 at Victory and found the educative toys place to which Lisette had referred me--a Tijuanaish corner of the Valley. Fed the meter and ambled across the intersection and bought sixty dollars' worth of games and books and stuff on Cal and US history, but most of it is in English. Couldn't help but walkthrough the adult emporium next door and browse through a few blue books, poked my head in the video both with its box of Kleenez and was summarily punished for my sin with a parking ticket waiting for me on my windshield. 
I wound up Laurel Canyon to pick up Shirelle. The Ryders were moving out of their place. I spoke with the whacky ex-Mrs. who touched upon the movie "Deliverance," among other things, in her shaky voice, and when the good Dr. returned, he mistook me for a mover.
Shirelle and I came to my place and ordered in some Italian food and drank beer and hung out with Rawler and An. After they'd, Shirelle and retired to the bedroom for an extended and noisy roll through all the positions.


Performed cunnilingus this morning and fellatio was reciprocated. Ah, intimate details. Shirelle went for the Sunday Times and came back with a Sausage McMuffin as well. I called Josh Wesley and invited him to come to the game. He said to call back after 11:30 when my mom would be back from church. I told Rawler how, in 1980, while we were in New Jersey for a month, my mom’s cousin, Tom, who was captain of the volunteer fire department, commissioned a yellow school bus for a drive out to the Bronx to see the Yankees, drunk and hollering. Josh and Tom got out in Harlem to stop traffic so the bus could get through. Our seats where in the first row near the right field foul pole, within easy earshot [Dodgers/Phillies stub 7-3-94 vs. Fernando] of Orioles right fielder, Ken Singleton. All night long, Josh yelled and yelled. “Hey Singleton! You hamburger! Your socks don’t match!” Silly stuff like that for nine innings. About two weeks later, the Orioles were playing in Anaheim and Josh got tickets to sit in the front row on the right field foul pole...

Today’s game was great. Third level behind home plate for Valenzuela vs. Hershiser, the first time Fernando ever pitched against the Dodgers. They got hits off each other. Hershiser won it, 3-2. When we got home, “The Twilight Zone” marathon came on.
